You Heard It From The Dolphin…

Archived in the category: General Info, You Heard It From the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 13 Dec 12 - Comments Off on You Heard It From The Dolphin…

Changes in the New Year

2013 is just around the corner, bringing with it some changes for this publication. After much wrestling in this editor’s mind and heart, I have come to the conclusion that I probably don’t have that many years left and as much as I enjoy publishing Dolphin Talk, I can no longer devote my every waking minute to it. There are other things of importance that have slipped down a rung or two for me these past 17 years, such as family and friends, church, community, and even cleaning my house.

Having heard so often how much this little paper means to many of you, I certainly cannot quit it altogether. Besides that, Dolphin Talk gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning and a feeling that I am contributing to a sense of community here, while spreading a little knowledge, entertainment and inspiration to some who might need and appreciate it.

Therefore, beginning now, Dolphin Talk will become a monthly publication, coming out the third Friday of each month. I realize that this may exclude the timely publication of announcements of some events, but I will endeavor to update our web site ( as necessary to make sure all events of which I’m notified receive publicity on our site and/or Facebook page.

Printing once a month will give me and the others on staff more time to cover meetings and local events and, hopefully, to compose more articles about the people and history of our community.

I will be reminding our regular contributors weekly to send any news they may have. And please note that the deadline for the printed issue has been changed from the Monday before the print date to the Friday before. Putting a paper together in two days is a daunting project, and an extra day or two will help make a better publication with less errors, I hope.

The Dolphin Talk operates as a community service paid for by the support of our advertisers. We encourage our readers to patronize the businesses who support us so the Dolphin Talk can continue on in the new year and the years ahead.

The Dolphin staff wishes you a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And, as always – Thank you for reading Dolphin Talk!

Joyce Rhyne, Editor/Publisher

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