Port O’Connor Chamber Announces New Officers

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jan 13 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Announces New Officers

The Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce begins the new year with the following slate of officers:

Mary Jo Walker –(Beacon 44) President

Donnie Klesel –(POC Rods) Vice President

Beverly Clifton– (Hustler Marine Services) Secretary

Treasurer –Donna Pyle

The Chamber welcomes anyone with new ideas and suggestions to join this new team. Their main goal is promoting Port O’Connor tourism~focusing really hard on the WINTER here in POC…we have a lot to offer here in this awesome quaint little fishing village! We have many miles of kayaking trails, some of the best bird watching in the area, great duck hunting and awesome winter time fishing!

The Chamber of Commerce would like to offer some special things for the winter folks to do while visiting POC. One is a Coushatta gambling trip scheduled to leave from the Community Center later this month. And they are looking at lining up more events.

Anyone interested in helping the Chamber achieve their goals or who is interested in the future of your business is encouraged to attend Chamber meetings on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the POC Community Center! Promoting local businesses is the Chamber’s main goal — so if you are not a Chamber member and would like to be, please go to www.portoconnorchamber.org and fill out a membership form and jump aboard!

Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce is also in search of people wanting to help in heading up our different committees that the Chamber sponsors.

Mary Jo Walker, 2013 Chamber President


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