Port O’Connor Service Club News by Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jan 13 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club News by Sue Kubecka

Due to sickness; i.e., cold and flu, that has been running rampant throughout our community, the 1st meeting of January for the members of the POC Service Club was canceled. And the second meeting in January, the 17th was then held with a number of members attending.

Our President, Janet Johnson thanked all the members for a very successful 2012, and warned them to be prepared to duplicate their efforts during 2013. She also expressed her gratitude to the members of our community for their support during our various activities, both during the garage sales and bake sales.

Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 7, at 10:00 a.m. in the meeting room in the back of the Community Center. We welcome any interested woman from our area to our meetings at any time. Contact Janet Johnson, President, 983-4737 for further information. Hope to see a full listing of members there!

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