Life, Love, Pain, Hate, Death by Dallas Fowler

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Feb 13 - Comments Off on Life, Love, Pain, Hate, Death by Dallas Fowler

The same questions many young adults today ask: “Who cares?” or “Who could love me?” and “Why put me through all of this pain?” or “Why couldn’t it have been my life they took?” Well, I’m here to tell you this: never doubt what has been given and taken from you. It was done for a reason for always better, never for worse!

You may feel as if you’re the only one who knows what you’re going through, and to an extent that may be true, but just remember this tonight as you lay your heard down to sleep: Everyone dies, but not everyone is born. You should take advantage of what you have while you’ve got it because it’s not always going to last forever!

Every beginning has an end, and every end has a new beginning where new opportunities are offered. Not all are good, but if you take them, just keep in mind why you chose that opportunity and what it was exactly you were looking for in that moment.

Some say how they hate making the wrong choice in life. Well, I wouldn’t exactly say hate; at the moment you may feel as if you hate the choice, but as time goes on, you truly realize that you didn’t like the consequences that came with that choice, not the choice itself. So, before you begin to wish your life would end or that you can go back and change things, just remember that it happened for a reason. What that reason may be, that’s up to the choice you made, but it’s all up to you how you take the consequences to your actions and how you learn from it or keep going and making the same mistakes over and over again!

Just remember you have the ability to control your own actions, whether you do that or not is on you! So choose responsibly.

Local incarcerated youth,
Dallas Fowler

Dallas Fowler

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