New Action In Town!

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Feb 13 - Comments Off on New Action In Town!

Friends of Port O’Connor Library (FOPOL), after some years of inactivity, is once again gearing up for plans to build a new library in our little town. Of course, we are encouraging all books lovers to join us in a community effort to get the job done. A newsletter will be coming out soon profiling what’s going on and how we’re moving ahead.

Also FOPOL will be hosting a booth at The Lion’ Club Art and Craft Festival, March 16 from 9:00am to 4pm, where we will have membership applications, koozies and books for sale, and copies of the current newsletter.

Our newly elected executive board members are Virginia Dell Lichac, President; Barbara Crouch, Vice-President; Mary Ann Claiborne, Treasurer; and Belinda Tigrett, Secretary. In addition, a real bonus to our group, is Vera Wiatt who is working with great zest to get our by-laws up to date and all legal paperwork in place so we can fund raise and apply for grants.

So please join us at the Festival and in membership for an adventurous time ahead in building a new library which POC residents and out-of-towners can equally enjoy!!

-Virginia Lichac

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