“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.
On Racism
For five years we have heard the cry “Racism!” from the Left/Lib Media whenever anyone criticizes or even questions any of Obama’s policies or decisions. We have grown so accustomed to this charge from the Democrat/ Socialists Caucus, the Black Caucus, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the other professional poverty pimps, welfare con-persons, and constant finger-pointing whiners that the word has lost its sting and even its meaning.
Is it Racist to point out that welfare and other entitlements are a major contributor to our $1.5 trillion per year increase in the Federal Debt? Many of the talking heads on the TV news regularly say or try to imply that. Why is that “Racist!”? But it is not Racist for Team Obama to use the force of Government to take money from the productive people in taxes and then use it to buy votes with ObamaPhones, funnel funds to ACORN and others active in vote fraud, and fly around the country preaching class-envy and thinly disguised hatred, solely to stir up their minorities in their base?
Is it Racist to question why Obama and his lawyer refuse to release basic records anyone would have to show for a job interview for a managerial position? To spend over $4.5 million for lawyers to keep these records sealed and prevent any decision on the Natural Born Citizen of the Constitution to be made by jury trial in any court at any level? Is it Racist to question ObamaCare, a plan that the costs have tripled in two years and it hasn’t even gone into effect. It was “Racist!” to question it when it was before Congress, Nancy Pelosi said, “We must pass it to see what is in it.” We are starting to see – it is more expensive, less service, dangerously intrusive, and a huge increase in government bureaucracies. Paul Krugman just announced the “Death Panels” are necessary. All as many of the accused “Racists” feared and tried to warn the People.
Why is it that whenever Obama makes a mistake, or his policies fail, it is Racism that is always the motive for anyone calling attention to or trying to correct his mistakes? Is it Racism that causes Chevy Volts to catch on fire? Or the constant bankruptcies of government financed solar-energy companies? Is it Racism to question the failure of his middle-eastern policy and the deaths in Benghazi? Of course, not. But the democrat propagandists continue to say it is so. If he was white, or any flavor Republican, the Media would be on him 24/7.
Racism does exist, unfortunately, but White racism hit a low four years ago. It may be coming back because people are tired of being labeled Racists for asking common-sense questions. The Liberal/Socialists are so busy using any smears to attack anyone that questions their policies and agenda that they do not take time to look for ‘Unintended Consequences’. The worst has been the rise of Black-racism, particularly among Black youth. Violent attacks, for no reason, against whites by black youth are becoming commonplace, especially in mixed neighborhoods in northern cities. Eric Holder has refused to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation and openly calling for the murder of “Crackers”. The refusal of the Dept. of Justice to prosecute real ‘hate-crimes’, has sent a dangerous message to disgruntled black youth. It also encourages the hate-mongers to increase their boldness and threats. And even encourages some individuals to act out their hate.
The class-envy, race-based, liberal-socialist, and now anti-gun campaigning of Team Obama has brought many of the “crazies” out, not just foolish youth. Just in today’s news, Floyd Lee Corkins II, plead guilty to shooting a security guard at the Family Research Council offices. He stated he intended to “kill as many as possible and smear Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in the victim’s faces.” Corkins had chosen the FRC as his target from the far-left liberal Southern Poverty Law Center. FRC President Tony Perkins stated, “The day after Floyd Corkins came into the FRC headquarter and opened fire wounding one of our team members, I stated that while Corkins was responsible for the shooting, he had been given a license to perpetrate this act of violence by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center which has systematically and recklessly labeled every organization with which they disagree as a “hate group.” It appears now that anyone who opposes Obama’s government supplied abortion on demand is a “hate group”.”
There is a massive manhunt in California for Christopher Dorner, a former police officer fired for making false statements, who has killed several police officers. He has left a “Manifesto” that indicates he is leftist Liberal/Progressives and an adamant Obama supporter. He seems furiously anti-gun, citing many mass shootings (perpetrated by leftist liberals with mental health and drug issues ??), but has no problem with gunning down fellow police from ambush. There is something seriously wrong here, the Liberal/Progressives are convincing their brainwashed followers that it is “right” for them to kill anyone that disagrees with their Agenda- ??
The Liberal/Progressives and their Media attack Christians, Constitutionalists, fiscal conservatives, gun owners, oil, farmers, fishermen, and anyone that is trying to make a profit. They try to demonize anyone that disagrees or even questions their agenda. Now it seems that they are encouraging their more radical followers to murder. And their “solution” to crime is to disarm honest Citizens. This is a war on civilization, not just a political disagreement.
Is it Racist to stand for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? To believe in the Rule of Law and Equality Before the Law?? Not selective enforcement and special programs. Is it Racist to object to the Federal Government extorting money, literally at gun-point, in the form of taxes from productive people to give to unproductive people to buy their votes and political activism? Or when they create huge deficits and federal debt for these programs that only produce more welfare dependency, and a steady block-vote for more socialism? Is it Extremist to object to the Government forcing moral Christian people to pay for abortion on demand, even for school-girls, when they believe it is a sin, even murder? Is it Extremist to object when the Federal Government can not, or will not, produce a budget, or fulfill their Constitutional Duty to secure the borders. Is it Racist to question the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scam that was intentionally devised to create anti-gun propaganda? Is it Racist to question blanket amnesty for illegal aliens, full rights to welfare, medical care, and higher education, even citizenship? Is it Racist to oppose immigration when so many Americans, especially young people can’t find good jobs?
If these are the new Politically Correct definitions of “Racist” and “Extremist”, then I’ll have to claim them. And be proud of it. We are on the brink of financial and social disaster and our Media only sees the promised Utopia of the Progressive/Socialists, not the “Unintended Consequences” of the inevitable failure of Marxist/socialist theories. But some of the hard-core Marxists have openly called for collapse, destruction of the dollar and financial chaos, race-war, class-war, and violent revolution to “fundamentally change” America.