2013 Sweetheart Banquet A Big Success by Doyle Adams

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Mar 13 - Comments Off on 2013 Sweetheart Banquet A Big Success by Doyle Adams

Thanks to the Young People who served at the Sweetheart Banquet! Left to right: Shayleigh Sprague, Hali Phillips, Paige Satterfield, Shelby Rodgers, Angela Giles, Tyler DeLaGarza, Stephanie Holbrook, Jeremy Thumann, Justin Munsch, Jada Garner. Not pictured: Alex Clifton


This year’s Sweetheart Banquet really began on Tuesday, February 12, as the Decorating Committee, headed up by Diane Cooley, began decorating the Port O’Connor Community Center with beautiful baskets of red tulips, red hearts and bright red table cloths. The sound system was checked out and two large, well lit hearts graced the front entrance.

At 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 14, Valentine’s Day, the first guests began to arrive for the Banquet which was to start at 6:30 p.m. Early arrivals quickly found their selected and choice tables. At this time the Food Committee, headed by Pat Ekstrom, was in the kitchen making final preparations.

At exactly 6:30 p.m., Doyle Adams, Master of Ceremonies, went to the microphone and welcomed everyone and called on First Baptist Church Pastor Donnie Martin to lead the prayer to bless the food. In 14 minutes everyone in attendance (and it was a full house) was served a big steak dinner. Salad and desserts were placed at every table setting. The men of the Church, headed by Tommy Smith, carried large trays of steaks which were served to each person by one of the young people who were our waiters and waitresses. The young people, headed by Haili Phillips, were Jeremy Thumann, Shelby Rodgers, Justin Munsch, Paige Satterfield, Shayleigh Sprague, Seyhone Kay Stephens, Kay Holbrook, Jada Garner, Angela Giles, Tyler De La Garza and Alex Clifton. What a professional job each of these twelve young people did! They also checked during the evening to supply coffee and ice tea.

At 7:00 p.m., the night’s program began with the introduction of special guests, which included our new Calhoun County Sheriff Geroge Aleman and his wife, Rose Mary, and our own Justice of the Peace, Nancy Pomykal, and six pastors.

Pastor Donnie Martin thanked everyone for coming and a big thanks for everyone who worked diligently in making the Banquet a success. Brother Donnie asked for a big applause for the young people for their outstanding service in helping serve the food. It was a standing ovation!

Doyle Adams asked for a show of hands for all those couples married 50 years or longer. Wow! At least 25% of the audience raised their hands. One couple was given special recognition for being married the longest, at 66 1/2 years, and this was Howard and Evelyn Lewis. The Lewis couple was presented a beautiful heart designed by Linda Butler and a box of candy. The couple married the least amount of time was Julian and Alyssa Garcia, who have been married 1 1/2 years. This couple was presented a beautiful gift designed by Linda Butler and also a box of candy. Recipients of door prizes were Marvin Strakos, David Walker, Ray Middleton, Victor Leach, Nancy Pomykal, Kelly Gee, and Erny McDonough.

Then came a big surprise! Pat Ekstrom and Sherry Roberds came quickly to the microphone, on each side of Doyle Adams, and promptly began making an award presentation to him. The plaque reads:

Presented to Doyle Adams
For 18 years of presenting awards and beautiful memories at the
Sweetheart Banquet
You deserve the highest award
Thank you for your unselfish devotion, initiative,
Commitment, Compassion, and Enthusiasm
The Community of Port O’Connor

I can’t remember when, if ever, I was so surprised! Thanks to everyone for this great honor and appreciation.
After this surprising award, it was time to make the big award of “Citizen of the Year”. Our local Justice of the Peace, Judge Nancy Pomykal, was called to the microphone and she was very shocked, as she thought she was going to assist Doyle in making a presentation. Nancy’s plaque reads:

Presented to
Judge Nancy Pomykal
Port O’Connor Citizen of the Year 2013
For your total commitment, hard work, initiative, enthusiasm and
Dedication to the people of Port O’Connor
For serving as Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5
For many years and fairly judging the people of Port O’Connor
For serving as a judge, wife, mother, grandmother, peace maker
Speech writer, newspaper columnist and parade marshal
For the unequaled enthusiasm and participation in the many annual
Port O’Connor activities and a major contributor to the “Dolphin Talk”
May God Bless You
Port O’Connor First Baptist Church
February 14, 2013

After the presentation, Doyle Adams led everyone in singing “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” and then introduced the entertainment of Marilyn Sebesta’s “Gettin’ the Scoop on Love”. What a fantastic show! Marilyn was a reporter who went out into the audience and interviewed people about the Where, Why, When and How of Love. After each interview Marilyn sang a song about what she found out.

It was a heartwarming and fun evening for everyone and one of our visiting pastors, Brother George Yarbrough, gave the Benediction.

Doyle Adams was surprised with an Award of Appreciation at this year’s Sweetheart Banquet. Doyle and his late wife, Bernice, were instrumental in starting the annual Sweetheart Banquet tradition 18 years ago.

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