Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Mar 13 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Can you feel the excitement in the air? We are headed toward Resurrection Sunday! What better day for each of us to set it totally aside for praising the Lord for being willing to die for us! Without His death, there would have been no Easter! Sin would have won! Jesus would have come, lived here, and died without making the mark that God sent Him here to make! (Maybe it is time for a short sermon: What have we been sent here to do? Are we accomplishing it?)

Sunrise Service, 7:00 a.m. on the Front Beach, will be a great start to a glorious day! There will be special singing, a great message by Baptist Pastor Martin, and a time of fellowship with hot coffee to go with some of Cathy’s Restaurant’s delicious cinnamon rolls! But, Easter is about much more than Sunrise Service, Easter Egg Hunts, family gatherings around a meal of baked ham with sweet potatoes, or family photos. Each of these things are great and should be enthusiastically enjoyed. But, Easter must be a day set aside to tell Jesus, “Thank You!” He accomplished more for us than we will be able to understand until we stand with Him at Heaven’s gates! Plan something special – do more than before to center your thoughts toward the Savior!

Just a thought – why not join us at the Chapel for our Bible Study, which begins at 10:00 a.m. It will be followed with a special service at 11:00 a.m. In the evening, at 6:00 p.m., our children will be praising the Risen Savior in a unique way, as a result of the hard work of our children’s department. We are also planning to have our goal met of having new seating for our Bible School and Fellowship areas. We are giving toward our $2,000 goal to purchase these new chairs and have them in use on Easter Morning! If you would like to help, you are welcomed!

Joane and I were guests at the 40th Anniversary celebration of Hillcrest Church in Seguin. I was their third pastor, in fact, they were the reason we came to Texas. It was a great time of seeing “older friends”, and we were delighted that we did not know but only a few of those attending; the Church has grown significantly. In our absence from the Chapel, Hermano Jessie filled the pulpit – Thanks!

Our Annual Chili Cook-Off was held on Sunday, March 10. Even though I cooked my best chili ever, I was once again disappointed that the judges did not recognize the deliciousness of my offering. Debra Holmes won first place with her “Blue Ribbon Chili” and Kelly Gee-Cooper took second with her “Family Recipe Chili”. Congratulations, ladies, but watch out for me next year!

March 17, in both the morning and evening services, Evangelist Gene Summers will be with us for a great day. Reverend Gene and Mona Summers have been at the Chapel several times before and have always been a great blessing. This time will be no exception, so plan to be present. Our own Patrick Overton filled the pulpit on March 13 and will do so again on March 20.

Our Friday Night Youth activities are continuing under the direction of Julian and Alissa. Pastor Joane continues direction our FBI classes each Tuesday evening where we are investigating God’s Word.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation who is actively pursuing God’s blessings for every family in this community. We continue providing a food pantry and the giving away of clothing and household items to those in need in this community. We provide Friday Night Youth to give the youth of our community something constructive and fun to do. We are reaching out to seeing human needs met in every area of human need, because we are convinced that the greatest needs can be met at the Church! You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel, and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

Don’t forget: Easter Sunrise Service
7:00 a.m. on Easter Morning (March 31)
Port O’Connor Beach

Chili Cook-Off Winners Kelly Gee-Cooper (left) took second place and Debra Holmes won first place in Fisherman’s Chapel’s Annual Chili Cook-Off. See page 31 for the winning recipe.

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