March Blood Donors Eligible to Win Fiesta Packages

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Mar 13 - Comments Off on March Blood Donors Eligible to Win Fiesta Packages

All presenting donors throughout the month of March will be automatically entered to win one of two Fiesta® packages, which include a weekend stay in a downtown San Antonio hotel and tickets to Fiesta® events. Fiesta® runs April 18 – 28. Together, we can help South Texas patients keep on enjoying life.

Upcoming Blood Drives:

Calhoun County Offices
Tuesday, March 19
8:00am – Noon
211 S. Ann St., Port Lavaca

Port Lavaca Auto Group
Tuesday, March 19
9:00am – 1:00pm
1801 Highway 35, Port Lavaca

Donors must show identification, before beginning the donation process. Anyone 16 years old weighing 120 pounds (with a parental consent form), or at least 17 years of age or older, who weighs at least 110 pounds, and is in good general health may donate blood.

For more information call 800-292-5534 or visit Visit a blood drive in your area.

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