Port O’Connor Lions Club Hosts Seadrift Lions Club President

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Mar 13 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Lions Club Hosts Seadrift Lions Club President

Port O’Connor Lions Diane Cooley (left) and Carol Haverfield (right) with Seadrift Lions Club President Lynn Reeves

Lynn Reeves, President of Seadrift Lions Club was Guest Speaker at the Port O’Connor Lions Club’s February 13th meeting. She spoke about the upcoming events for Seadrift Lions Club and enlightened us with her knowledge and experiences with Seadrift Lions Club accomplishments.

The Seadrift Lions Club will join us with a food booth at the upcoming Arts & Crafts Festival on Saturday, March 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Port O’Connor Community Center Pavilion on Highway 185 in Port O’Connor and sponsored by the Port O’Connor Lions Club. Be sure to attend and visit their booth along with the booths of vendors with many exciting handmade items, art, art designs, crafts, handmade knives, crosses, jewelry, jewelry from fishing lures, handmade wooden vases and much more. The artists and artisans await you. This will be an event not to miss.

The Port O’Connor Lions Club will sell canned drinks and bottled water, have a Bake Sale, and also have some excellent raffle items. We are accepting used eyeglasses for refurbishment for those who can’t afford glasses and accepting donations for “White Cane Day”. Donations received for “White Cane Day” in exchange for a “White Cane” pin will go directly to the Lions Eye Bank of Texas located at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston to help with cornea transplants and therefore give the gift of sight. What a marvelous and life giving gift – the gift of sight!

Besides discussion on the Arts & Crafts Festival at the meeting, Debbie Michalek reported on our Club’s participation in the Lions District 2-S4 West Bowl-A-Thon held in Victoria on February 9th to benefit the Lions Eye Bank of Texas. Our Club won $100. for getting donations for the most sponsorships due to Debbie’s efforts. The prize was donated back to the Lions Eye Bank of Texas. Our bowling team was comprised of Debbie Michalek, Diane and Jim Cooley and Tommy Williamson, who won three out of the four categories that day. The team won High Team Series, Most Sponsorships, and Jim Cooley won High Man series out of approximately fifteen to twenty teams in attendance. Way to go, Team.

Another item on our agenda was the request to proceed given to Jim Butler to purchase small stuffed animal lions to be given to children who are in the hospital. This was a very worthy idea of Jim’s of which he is chairing this project. Thanks, Jim!

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please phone Joyce Jordan, President, Port O’Connor Lions Club at cell # 361-655-7999. Hope to see you at the Arts & Crafts Festival!!

Submitted by: Joyce Jordan

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