T-Shirt Design Contest for the 25th Annual HummerBird Celebration in Rockport

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Mar 13 - Comments Off on T-Shirt Design Contest for the 25th Annual HummerBird Celebration in Rockport

This is a chance to have your artwork seen by thousands.  Enter your artwork for the 2013 25th Anniversary HummerBird Celebration T-Shirt Design. Requirements for T-Shirt design are listed. For more information contact: Sandy at the Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce: 729-6445 or email tourism@1rockport.org.  The deadline for getting your entry to the Chamber office is May 1, 2013. For more information on the HummerBird Celebration visit:

Art Requirements Plants/Hummingbirds for 2013 HummerBird Celebration Artwork

The following are the preferred plants and hummingbirds we would like to see in any 2013 HummerBird Celebration artwork.  These are the plants most likely to be found in our area and the ones most likely to be visited as a nectar source for the hummingbirds.   The list of hummingbirds is also a list of hummingbirds normally found in our migration. The size of the artwork should be 10 inches wide by 8 inches tall so that it will fit on a t-shirt.  Art with a full painted background will not be selected.

Hummer Species for
2013 H/B T-shirt

•  Ruby-throated Hummingbird
•  Black-chinned Hummingbird
•  Buff-bellied Hummingbird
•  Rufous Hummingbird
•  Allen’s Hummingbird

Plant Species for 2013 H/B T-Shirt

•CapeHoneysuckle-Tecomaria capensis •Turk’s Cap-Malaviscus arboreus var. drummondii •Shrimp Plant-Justicia brandegeana •Scarlet Sage-Salvia coccinea •Firebush-Hamelia patens •FirecrackerBush-Russelia equisetiformis •Autumn Sage-Salvia greggii •Trumpet Creeper-Campsis radicans •Pride of Barbados-Caesalpinia pulcherrima •FlameAcanthus-Anisacanthus wrightii •Texas Lantana-Lantana urticoides •Esperanza-Tecoma stans •Desert Willow-Chilopsis linearis •CoralHoneysuckle-Lonicera sempervirens •Cypress Vine-Ipomoea quamoclit •Red Yucca-Hesperaloe parviflora •Bottlebrush-Calllistemon rigidus •Powder Puff-Calliandra emarginata •Egyptian Star Penta-Penta lanceolata • (preferably red)• Indigo Spires Salvia-Salvia farinaceae • Cigar Plant-Cuphea ignea ‘David Verity’

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