The Return of El Hyena, Vanguard of the Revolution

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Mar 13 - Comments Off on The Return of El Hyena, Vanguard of the Revolution

The following is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Although it has been more than a decade, some may remember that a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there were Bay Wars.  Much has changed since then, however.  Following the controversial Treaty of Pringle Lake, as well as the associated Charlie’s Bait Camp Accords, an uneasy truce has existed between the combatants and open warfare has diminished.  Conflict has not disappeared, however, but has now been relegated to a lower level of insurgency.

The era of the Bay Wars has been largely replaced by the American People Wars, inflicting much alarm and consternation upon an aging El Hyena.  It is for this reason that El Hyena has returned in an attempt to calm and assure the warring factions, reduce tension and animosity, and hopefully encourage the people to un-wad their panties.  El Hyena has heard the cries, and he addresses the problem.


Chicken Little once loudly proclaimed that the sky was falling when it was not.  In today’s world, pundits, bloggers, talking heads, and elected officials routinely trumpet similar proclamations.  For some, their motivation is easily understood: there’s big money to be made in the fear and loathing industry.  For many, it is all a matter of telling people what they want to hear, while for elected officials (of all stripes) it is telling lobbyists what they will pay to hear and telling voters what they already believe.  El Hyena would note that it is too often the case that people’s belief in and acceptance of these dire predictions and pronouncements are based on fear and loathing, for one reason or another.

Why do the people fear and loathe?  Why do the people feel threatened by disagreement and difference of opinion?  Perhaps it is because of that man or woman on TV, or perhaps it is because of the voices in their head.  Perhaps it is because of the latest book or “documentary” produced by the fear and loathing industry.  El Hyena has noticed that this only leads to ranting and raving, as well as thoughts of violence directed at The Other.  Neither is helpful or productive, yet both are evidently quite popular.  El Hyena wonders what has become of the people that makes this so.


Change is inevitable.  Desired and embraced by some yet despised and resisted by others, it is nevertheless bound to occur, as history has shown time and time again.  Whether or not one welcomes or condemns change depends on where one stands at the time of its occurrence.  People who enjoy power do not like competition.  The majority does not like becoming the minority.  People who are used to getting their way do not like accommodating other people.  People who are close-minded and intolerant do not like being encouraged or required to consider being open-minded and tolerant.  Some people consider diversity to be good while other people consider it to be bad.

What was once impossible and inconceivable is now possible, if not commonplace.  Which leads us back to fear and loathing.  El Hyena asks:  Why is this?


One need only look at any discourse, dialogue, or monologue to see that the truth is people will only believe what they want to believe, and will never believe anything that does not conform to their existing beliefs.  When truth conflicts with their beliefs, truth becomes falsehood.  Beliefs are influenced by experience and values.  It may come as a shock to some, but different people have different beliefs and values.  El Hyena urges the people to not feel threatened by this phenomenon, as it is merely disagreement and difference of opinion.  One should not seek to impose his or her values on others; one should not be angered by disagreement, and; one should not be offended by difference of opinion.


These tendencies are among El Hyena’s least favorite, and among those which cause El Hyena much anguish.  They are neither true nor fair, and are all harmful and destructive.  They are used by people who are lacking in knowledge and disdainful of the truth when neither knowledge nor truth will sustain their argument, belief, or opinion.  They result in assessing guilt by association and generalization.  Those who employ these tactics are determined not to be hindered by facts or evidence.  El Hyena begs the people to discard this behavior, but he is comforted by the fact that reasonable people have already done so.


El Hyena has noted that conspiracy theories are amazingly prevalent and usually ridiculous.  The purveyors of conspiracy theories have a need to call attention to themselves, advance an agenda, or deny reality, all the while claiming superior knowledge, insight, or access to deep, dark secret information.  Those who accept them are impaired in understanding and deficient in reasoning.  Those who reject them are appropriately skeptical and rationally thoughtful.  El Hyena finds it interesting that some people blame the Bilderberg Group, the Anglo-Dutch Oligarchy, the Rothschilds, and the New World Order for all of the evil in the world while having no earthly idea who or what any of them are.


The foregoing are merely the thoughts, opinions, and musings of El Hyena, Vanguard of the Revolution.  El Hyena has criticized none of the people in particular.  The goal of the Revolution is to inspire the people to return to civil discourse and rational thinking.  El Hyena thanks the people who bothered to listen.

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