What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Mar 13 - Comments Off on What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

POC First Baptist’s 75th Anniversary
Sunday, April 14, 11:00 a.m.
Special Service with former pastors and special music
Lunch at 12:30 p.m.

After a very stressful month of February, due to all  the activity required for the Annual Sweetheart Banquet, everything has settled down and we are busy working on the Big 75th Anniversary of our Church.

The 75th Anniversary of First Baptist Church will be celebrated on Sunday, April 14, 2013.  The Church was organized in April 1938, 75 years ago and a lot has happened during those 75 years.  A Special Committee has been elected to organize the events for this special day of celebration.  The Church was organized through the efforts of Mr. & Mrs. P.L. Lewis and Mrs. H.P. Clark.  The first Pastor, who served from 1938 to 1945 was Rev. G.S. Walker.  There was 21 Pastors who served from 1945 to 1990 and 8 Pastors who served from 1990 to the present time, with Rev. Donnie Martin our present Pastor.

On Sunday, April 14, 2013, at the 11:00 a.m. Service we will have several of our Past Pastors speaking.  There will be Special music and at 12:30 p.m., everyone will be treated to a Fantastic Lunch with an array of dishes, desserts and salads and an abundant supply of “Ole Time Fellowship”.  This is a “MUST ATTEND” day at the Morning Service at First Baptist Church.

Several of our Church Members attended the Spring Senior Adult Retreat at Camp Zephyr, on the banks of Lake Corpus Christi.  The Retreat was March 4 through Thursday March 7.  This was an outstanding Retreat with Bible Study by Dr. Jimmy Arnold, Devotions by George Yarbrough, Preaching by Cowboy Church Pastor David Parks and Music by Marcos and Sue Gohlke.

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, March 30 at 2:00 p.m.  All Children are invited to bring their Easter Baskets and “Hunt Eggs” in their designated areas.  Candice Stryker is in charge of the Easter Egg Hunt and it is always a fun time for both the children and their parents and grandparents.

The outside of the Church looks a little different now with beautiful stones placed in front of the Auditorium and Fellowship Hall to border the existing flower beds.  This work was done by Ray Roberds, Tommy Smith and Doyle Adams and the Church thanks them for this outstanding job!

See you in Church Sunday!

Senior Adults at First Baptist Attend Retreat

On March 4, Ten Adults attended the March Senior Adult Retreat at Camp Zephyr on the Banks of Lake Corpus Christi. Those attending the Retreat were, (pictured left to right) Tommy and Brenda Smith, Doyle Adams, Donnie and Shirley Martin, Kenneth Clark, Alice Pittman, Dianne Cooley, Mary Nell McGee and Jim Cooley. The group experienced a fantastic time of fun, food and fellowship. The Bible Study was presented by Dr. Jimmy Allen, Pastor of Woodsboro First Baptist Church and the Preaching by Cowboy Church Pastor David Parks. Bro. George Yarbrough led in Devotion time. The Music was outstanding with Marcos and Sue Gohkle leading. Port O’Connor First Baptist Church donated 60 Church Hymnals for use at Camp Zephyr. Shirley Martin and Donnie Martin sang beautiful music during the Retreat.

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