Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Apr 13 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Was not Easter truly awesome this year! The count was 500 people who participated in the Sunrise Service – WOW! thanks again to Cathy’s Restaurant, who again provided the delicious cinnamon rolls! To help us prepare for Resurrection Sunday, we at the Chapel, celebrated the Lord’s Supper with olive wood cups from Jerusalem on Palms Sunday. It was a very moving service and those who attended got to keep their cups.

Resurrection Sunday was also the day we unveiled our new folding chairs. They are so much better than the ones we have had for many years. Thank, David Walker, for making it happen! We also made the announcement that an anonymous family had donated the monies necessary to totally eliminate our Chapel indebtedness – Praise the Lord! The excitement was so strong that many stood up and praised the Lord in honor of His goodness to us! We are not sitting down; we have several projects that are ongoing which will take the continued support of this community, but Thank God, This Load Is Gone!

April has already begun with many activities. On Monday, April 1, we participated in a ministers’ yard party north of Victoria. On Saturday, April 6, we enjoyed a Men’s Breakfast at El Campo. We had great services that were very well attended on April 7, and my brother Dean and his wife Judy came from Howe, Texas for a few days of rest. On Monday, April 8, my sister Janet and husband Delfido came from Coolidge, Arizona for a few days of rest. We had a great time with family members and are looking forward to the other two girls coming real soon.

We are planning a Birthday Bash for two of our ladies at noon on Sunday, April 21. Pat Prather and Jane Chisslett have had special mile-markers in their lives and we want to celebrate with them and their families. All are welcome to this old fashion pot luck! Bring extra so we can all try it together!

One of our main events happens the weekend after Mother’s Day. On May 12, we will honor all our mothers with special guests and activities, but on Saturday, May 18, we are going to help feed about 1,600 breakfast tacos to our Warriors! We need all the help we can muster! We need about 200 dozen eggs, 100 pounds of sausage, 1,600 tortillas, fruit (apples, oranges, and bananas), and coffee (with fixings), milk, and orange juice for the servicemen and their family members. It will be a big, memorable day and we will be honored that we had a part in making this year’s Warrior’s Weekend the best ever!

Our FBI classes will be ending soon for the summer, but let Pastor Joane know that you will be ready for next semester’s classes. Friday Night Youth is continuing to attract more and more community youth, but Julian and Alissa could use your donated food and help! We are seeing more and more people attending the Sunday Bible Study at 10:00 a.m., the Worship Services at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and the Wednesday evening faithful are increasing! You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel. We are an interdenominational congregation whose mission is to help hurting people become “whole” and help the “whole people” get involved in the work of the Lord. You are urged to “Come, grow with us!”

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