CUT IT LOOSE by Sue Kubecka

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Apr 13 - Comments Off on CUT IT LOOSE by Sue Kubecka

As you travel down Monroe and approach the Elementary School, a small blue building catches your eye at the corner of 5th Street and Monroe. Adjoining the building is a sign denoting the usage of it, the “CUT IT LOOSE” Hair Salon. Exploring a little further and after making a very necessary telephone call, one reaches Julissa Lopez, the proprietor of the Salon. After making an appointment for a hair cut, the fun begins.

Upon entering the shop, one finds an interior with lively colored walls, a good sized area for washing and conditioning hair, two chairs for cutting and coloring and perming, and a comfortable area with not just many bottles of subtlety colored nail polish but a stand of handmade jewelry for sale.

Julissa is an expert when it comes to working with hair, both fine and curly. She is able to not just put scissors to the strands of hair, but to make it take on a life of its own that will enhance the subject. Her sense of color is impeccable and she is able to design the correct color to conform to the person’s complexion and makeup and make the overall image prettier. When it comes to wanting a style with more curls and body, Julissa is there to offer the perm. But fun for her is the aim of Cut Color Curl, and she accomplishes that with each appointment.

Julissa Lopez is a native of Port O’Connor, the daughter of Freda Ragusin and Gary Crone and the granddaughter of Billy and Margaret Ragusin. Julissa attended school here and then went to Port Lavaca to finish her schooling. Following high school and urged by a close friend, Julissa entered Beauty College in Victoria and graduating in 2001, found her calling; the ability to bring out the true beauty of a person. And, Julissa does not just cut hair for females, but for her many gentlemen clients as well.

After marrying Gabriel Lopez, the owner of Deadwood Customs, a home remodeling, and repairing company that features the ability to design for those services, Julissa worked at various shops in Port Lavaca before Lyric, a beautiful and sparkling 5 year old joined them. And later, Daphne, a very unusual, curly black Shizu made her appearance. Daphne is also the mascot of the Elementary School and hangs out there daily.

Cut It Loose is currently being operated on a “call for appointment” basis, but Julissa is planning that in September, when Lyric will be in school for more hours, to have the shop opened from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. As for now, just call Julissa at 361 550-1100 for an appointment; you won’t be disappointed.

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