Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Apr 13 - Comments Off on Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

Members of the POC Service Club are slowly making their way around our area with aching backs and sore feet, and if you ask them WHY, you will be reminded that the Spring Garage Sale, a biannual affair, was last Saturday, the 13th of April.   Club members spent Thursday and Friday unpacking boxes and sorting items to be placed on tables and other areas for the Saturday sale, that has become THE event of the Spring.  And  accompanying it is the Bake Sale of many luscious and tasty items.  As the Women of the Service Club are known high and low throughout our County as superb prize-winning bakers, items literally fly off the shelves at an early hour.  The reasoning behind this hard work twice a year by these women is that the monies earned from these Sales go to fund the many projects benefiting our community during the year.

Wild flowers are out and are spread throughout our area and South too as well as near Houston.  Returning from a long trip to other areas in the Southern portion of our country, we found not only acre after acre of yellow and blue, red and pink flowers, but huge bushes of azaleas by the homes.  They were so prolific it made me wonder if it was not a requirement to have at least one azalea near each building!  But it was colorful!

Bunco was Tuesday evening, April 2nd and the attending ladies were there for a good time.  And they all proceeded to have one.  The Grand Winner of the evening was Sally Jones; although there were several comments made as to the veracity of the winnings, Sally maintained she really earned them.  But other prizes were won by Kathy Yearwood as well as a relative.  The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room of the Community Center.  Hostess for the evening will be Pat Ekstrom with the assistance of Diane Cooley.  These women are noted for the specially tasty items that each brings for the enjoyment of all.  Contact Shirley Gordon at the Library for more information.

If you’ve missed being in Speedy Stop lately, you won’t recognize the store from previous visits.   Relocation of the check-out stands makes it so much easier for the customers, and much more pleasant for the checkers.  Now there are huge frozen food areas that keep ice cream at 0 degrees; it doesn’t start to melt till you get it in your own frig-freezer!  And seeing the huge outside area, where Alvins was formerly, being rebuilt that will turn it into a Subway, one almost licks his/hers lips thinking of the pleasures that await.  Now if we could only get a drug store!

Counting the number of visitors that were here over the Easter Holiday, makes me start to plan for the future as it looks as though we will have an abundance of visitors here for the coming months.  And dates for the upcoming fishing tournaments are already being advertised: Pescado Grande in late June and Cula Roja in July.  And, of course, the last one in October, the Chris Ragusin Memorial Tournament that somewhat ends the season.   As I get more dates for proposed tournaments, they will be published.

After listening to radio traffic reports in Houston while returning from Alabama last week, we rejoiced that we no longer have to fight traffic tie-ups constantly on a daily basis.  There’s really something very special about being in Port O’Connor  –  living without traffic!!!!!

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you see a happening that I’ve missed.  Or if the reader thinks there is an event that should be noted.  Thank you.
361 798-0560

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