Port O’Connor Gets Expanded Public Parking

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Apr 13 - 1 Comment

Calhoun County Commissioners’ Court announces the opening of the new addition to the parking lot for the public boat ramp in Port O’Connor. The County purchased seven acres of land adjoining the parking lot; this additional parking was needed to alleviate parking congestion that was creating safety issues along Byers, Maple, and Stella St.

Commissioner Finster encourages everyone to use the parking lot and not park on the street right of ways. The expanded lot now is accessible from Hwy. 185 or Byers Street.

This project was identified as a necessity in the County’s Master Plan for the future growth and the economy in the County.

One comment for “Port O’Connor Gets Expanded Public Parking”

Tom Gleinser

Horse manure! The county has no business in the parking lot business. The government isn’t capable of managing anything. The boat ramp and parking should be privatized. Either sold outright or leased. charge the users for parking and launching and expand parking and facilities with the money collected if they deem it economically feasible. It should be run like a business, by a business. The county is now going to be seizing peoples wealth (property taxes) in order to finance a bunch of mostly well-off fishermen (myself included). I don’t want the money of some poor stiff that never set foot in a boat to make it easier to park my boat. I’ll pay my own way, thank you. Unlimited government can always be justified as a “safety issue”. I want to know who is going to protect us from government.

April 26th, 2013 at 6:11 pm
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