Port O’Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Apr 13 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

Service Club members Annette Leach (left) and Peggy Elliott setting up the garage sale.

Have you seen the buds and blooms? Spring has sprung in this great community I feel so blessed to call home. Things are growing at The Port O Connor Service Club as well. POC Service Club held their regular meetings on Thursday, March 21st and April 2, 2013.There are lots of plans and projects in the works right now. First of all we are sweeping up the dust and throwing out the boxes after our very successful POC Service Club Spring Garage Sale held Saturday, April 13th. It was an amazing success. Thank You and Bless you to all the members who worked so hard to make our garage sale happen; the many husbands who helped with toting and carrying, clean up and cold sandwich dinners this week; the notable US Coast Guard members who volunteered time and free muscle to move and manipulate furniture and heavy stuff; and our notable community friends and family who always show up to stake their claim to their shiny new finds that just yesterday were someone else’s tarnished treasures. We sold bushels of baked goods, tons of treasures, loads of lovelies, and made great money for our 2013 Scholarship Fund. The profit totals are not yet calculated, but our success depends on all of these contributors doing their part. Our sincere gratitude to all who added to this event yet again.

The POC Service Club Scholarship Committee is evaluating the applications of deserving seniors, and we will soon be awarding our annual scholarships to the chosen recipients. Look for their winning stories here soon. Cookbook Collections of famous and favorite POC Service Club recipes are still available. These make great gifts and will fuel new ideas for family occasions. Pick yours up today at local stores or call a member you know to order yours. Meetings continue for planning and preparation for Wounded Warriors Weekend coming May 17-19. Other community events are upcoming and quite exciting. Check the paper and ask your friends so you don’t miss the unique and fun events that make our community so special.

Since summer sun is simmering now and will be ready by the next paper edition, let us remind you that our POC Women’s Service Club Meeting Schedule changes for the summer months, We meet only once a month, the first Thursday of May, June, July and August. This gives members more time for family vacations and summer activities.

The POC Women’s Service Club has been actively adding to the life of our community since 1980. Many of the original 24 founding members remain a part of the club today. There are no special requirements to be involved, just a desire to make positive additions to our community. You do not have to be a full-time resident or commit to every meeting. Come, participate and serve when you want to. We welcome all who want to volunteer. If you have never visited one of our meetings to see if you want to be a part, come and visit today. We love new members and invite interested ladies to join us for the next meeting of the Port O Connor Service Club held on each 1st and 3rd Thursday, 10:00 AM or contact our president Janet Johnson at 983-4737 for more information. You will make meet wonderful women, have fun and feel good about giving a little of yourself to others to make a difference in your community.

So, until next time, be safe, live simply, love openly, forgive generously and remember the words of the amazing Billy Graham when encouraging his staff. He said “Give to the world the best you have and it will come back to you tenfold!”

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