“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Whims of Iron: Liberal “Progressives” vs. The Constitution and Common Sense

The current demands for changes of Constitutional Law and American ideals and life-styles by the Far Left Liberals that are now liking to call themselves “Progressives” are getting further and further away from normal American life.”Liberal” is something of a misnomer because Liberals don’t believe in ‘Liberty’, but a liberal interpretation of the Constitution. They seek to bypass or ignore the limits placed on the Federal govt and the ‘checks and balances’ that are designed to prevent tyranny and abuse of power. They want a powerful, even totalitarian, Federal gov’t because they believe every aspect of our lives must be regulated, taxed, and controlled, “for our own good”. Of course, the Liberals are the complete authority on what is “good” for us. Their Big Mommy Gov’t programs always expand their power, increase bureaucratic control, and waste money. They increase dependency and destroy individual initiative. It is an economic death spiral, but continues the expansion of Liberal power.

The constant expansion of “Abortion Rights” has gotten to where they demand that “Day After” abortion drugs be made available to junior high girls on demand without any parental consent. It is illegal for a young woman under the ‘Legal Age of Consent’ to have sexual relations because she is presumed to lack the maturity to make good decisions, but Liberals say she has the ‘right’ to abort her unborn baby without parental consent?? That is illogical. “Liberals” demand total government support for abortion to control population growth, but refuse to control the borders from illegal immigrants, criminals, and terrorists. Also they encourage legal immigration for non-Christians that refuse to assimilate and want to force Sharia Law on us. They want un-assimilated groups for block votes.

They have spent over 15 Trillion dollars on “The War on Poverty” over the past 50 years, but poverty seems to be winning, especially against the middle-class workers. The gov’t printing presses are cranking out ‘money’ backed by nothing to spend on buying votes for “Progressives”. That ‘Fiat Money’ only dilutes the value of our currency and robs our savings and investments of purchasing power. No one can calculate the money spent, and lives wasted, on the “War on Drugs”, but the Narco-traficante Cartels are invading us now. If they would legalize the reasonable recreational drugs for adults, tax the Hell out of them, and prosecute to the max anyone that gave them to children, it would remove the profit from the criminals and hopefully, experience and education could overcome most of the problem. Serious losers will always be with us, saving them is not possible or even desirable.

We spend a large portion of our GDP buying oil from people that hate us because radical “environmentalists” don’t want oil wells, refineries, coal-fired electrical generation plants, or nuclear generators. We are enriching and arming people that are sworn to defeat and enslave us while spending unlimited treasure and blood to “democratize” and win the “hearts and minds” of ignorant, hate-filled, tribal people that have neither. They don’t want democracy or common sense, they want Islam and to conquer the world for Allah. We run tankers half way around the world, but we can’t build a pipeline from Canada, our friend, ally, and trading partner.

And why do we keep giving Foreign Aid to countries that hate us, where we have no earthly interest? Sequester? Poof, gone.

They demanded “Equal Rights” for Gays, but now demand “Gay Marriage”. The Obamunist Administration now gives Spousal Benefits to unmarried Gay couples in the military, but not to unmarried hetero-sexual couples. Equal? Also now, in California, there is a law being pushed to give gay couples “Infertility Treatments” or ‘ compensation’ if they want children and can’t have them. Well DUH? You don’t have to be a graduate of Texas A&M to know it takes a male and a female of any vertebrate species to make babies. ( I fear the ‘vertebrate’ thing is lost on Lib politicians.) This Gay Marriage thing is going to bite us in the butt forever. What’s next? Polygamy? (certainly more defensible than gay marriage) Group marriages? The Pedophiles are already cranking up their political action groups. (Children have the right to ‘love’ too) Bestiality? Yep, there are people pushing for that, too. (What is the legal age of consent in dog-years?) BARF!

I’m not saying we should outlaw abortion, certainly not at the Federal level because there is no Constitutional authority for it. Also, in our present immoral and irresponsible society it is probably a “necessary evil”. But it is criminal for the Federal gov’t to extort taxes from moral productive people to support what many, even most, Americans believe is a mortal sin, even murder. Especially organizations like Planned Parenthood that teach pre-puberty children that abortion is OK and homosexuality is ‘normal’, a viable life-style, and encourage it at a form of “birth control”. They are sexualizing children at an unnaturally early age and giving them harmful and false information that may ruin their lives. This is how Liberals protect homosexuals from possible “discrimination”.

Immigrants that come here should become Americans. That means accept our Constitutional law, learn English, and assimilate economically and socially. Don’t come here to sponge off the welfare system, demand special ‘rights’ or privileges, ignore our laws and customs, or try to force foreign Marxist theories or 8th century barbarous Sharia law on us. If you don’t like it here, go home! As for the insanity of illegal immigration and “Anchor Babies”: If a criminal couple breaks into your house and the woman gives birth, does that make the child a co-owner of your house? That you must accept them and share your home, feed and clothe them, provide education for the child and subsequent children? That is how Liberals and Political Correctness deal with criminal invasion.

You must show a picture ID to cash a check, buy cigarettes or beer, buy an airline ticket, but Liberals say no ID should be necessary to vote. You must present a certified copy of a birth certificate for your child to play T-ball, but it is racist to ask for one from a Presidential candidate. Totally illogical, but part of the Liberal mantra.

If any of the above offends anyone, or is considered racist, homophobic, mean-spirited, or whatever other Liberal PC buzzword-of-the-day, TOUGH! Get Over It! Liberalism and Political Correctness is a mental disease and left untreated it is fatal. It is killing our Nation, our dollar, our military, our manufacturing base, our economy, our entrepreneurial spirit, our individualism, our independence, our freedom, and our souls. We are in a culture war, as well as an economic and political war. Man up and face it. If we lose, the United States of America is over. They know it; that’s why they’re trying to erode the Second Amendment. They must take the guns away before they take your property rights, your money, and your children. But they are all in the Agenda, some Libs are even admitting it publicly. Learn about the Cloward-Pivens Strategy, the Left-Liberal plan originated back in the 60s to break the economy & gov’t with a constantly expanding welfare state, create economic and political chaos, so the American people will accept an International Socialist Totalitarian (Soviet-styled) Federal gov’t, run by the Liberal Intelligentsia. All of these political failures are not accidents, but part of their plan. ObamaCare will fail because it was designed to fail, to be replaced with a Govt Controlled Health Care System like England.

2 comments for “The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Bill Brayshaw

I know there are Liberals out there that will whine about me bad-mouthing gay marriage, so here are a couple of sites for you to check out before calling me a Homophobe!:



Amazing what they write when think their only audience is fellow Liberal PC drones.
Frankly, on adult homosexuals, I agree with Dorothy Parker: “I don’t care what people do as long as they do it in the street and scare the horses.” But when they make it a political issue and try to force acceptance on everyone using govt coercion, I’m gonna fight back.

April 22nd, 2013 at 2:52 pm

Great job at getting to the POINTS and covering them all in one big swoop. This Country needs to be taken back and ONLY laws that are reasonable and well thought out need to be handled as well as used and those laws that are only intended to obfuscate the reasonability of the previous laws need to be taken out of the equation and shelved. Our Constitution was a very well thought out document and designed to cover most of the what ifs and whys but some refuse to see its relevancy today and believe it to be out-moded and ancient, however it is still the best document that has been put forth in the history of this world.

Thank you for your efforts at making people think before they rush off to the nearest source for a cure to whatever ails them at present and making them understand that these issues need to be handled in a serious manner with the laws and provisions we already have in place. We are NOT a Socialist country to be run by a Mommie Dearest mentality, rather we need to be a responsible people doing the responsible thing for lots of people within the framework of a Republic type of Government.

April 22nd, 2013 at 5:19 pm
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