Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 May 13 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

“WOW” The Crawfish Fest & Cook-off was quite a success. This was an event that attracted locals, along with others coming from near and far. “Thanks” to all who attended and to the many volunteers that made the event such a success, so that in the future, King Fisher Beach can be updated and improved.

Coming next: “Warriors Weekend” If you’ve never been to this event, it’s a “must to attend.” Mr. & Mrs. Ron Kocian and their many volunteers make this into something that the Warriors along with the ones attending, will remember for a lifetime!

Then, Memorial Day activities are the next weekend (May 25th): The Annual Kids Fishing Tournament and Annual Kite Contest, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, Call 361-983-2898 for more information. Another event on the beach that day will be the Annual POCSA Cook-off. Starting at 11:00 a.m., barbecue sandwiches and chips can be purchased for $7.00 per plate.Grab that sun tan lotion, chairs and blankets and spend the day on the beach!

See you at the next Chamber meeting, May 13th,6:30 p.m. in the meeting room of the POC Community Center.

New & renewed 2013 Members:

The Two R.V. Park
Coastal Bend Marine
Froggie’s Bait Dock
Doyle Adams
Doug & Kimberly Bennett
Port O’Connor Rod & Gun
Shane & Kathy Simon
The Tidelands
Hustler Marine Services, Inc.
Jason & Jennifer Hagan
Russell & Chyrl Brhlik
Tigrett Real Estate
La June Pitonyak
Carl Ray/ Attorney
Carl Ray/ Boat & R.V. Storage
Double H Guide Service
Foxco International
Josie’s Restaurant & Catina
Paradigm Diversified
Inn at Clark’s/Clark’s Docking
MS Guide Service
Mary Ann Claiborne
Cliff Blank

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