Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Jun 13 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

Thank You

I want to express my sincere appreciation to all the friends and acquaintances who prayed and consoled us during the week of Clyde’s illness.  Port O’Connor has the most loving and caring people and we don’t realize that until there is a problem.  I so appreciate all the phone calls, cards and expressions of sorrow and help of any kind I might need in this time of adjustment, from everyone I came in contact with.  Not only does POC have good fishing, but the best of friends and neighbors.

Most of you probably have read this poem before but it so true:

Perhaps you sent a lovely card, Or sat quietly in a chair.  Perhaps you sent a floral piece, If so we saw it there.  Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, As any friend could say:  Perhaps you were not there at all, Just thought of us that day,   Whatever you did to console our hearts,  We thank you so much, whatever the part.

I also want to express my appreciation to Port O’Connor Fire Department, Port Lavaca EMS, and the doctors and nurses at Citizens Hospital.

Thank you,
Nelda Holloway

To: John & Judy Perry

Mr. Perry,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for loaning me and my family your home for the weekend. I must say that as a “Sooner”, I never had a good attitude for Texas, for that matter, nothing good to say either.

After this weekend (Warrior’s Weekend) I have changed my tone for this great state and its people. I don’t think that I have ever been so honored and humbled as I have this trip. It is people like you and everyone else who have pitched in to make Warrior’s Weekend happen, that show service members that there is still an America worth fighting for. Again, thank you and God bless.

SSG Porter, Sammy L.

Sand Sculptors Thank Port O’Connor

The Warrior’s Weekend Sand Sculpting Team, “Team Dragon”, would like to thank all of the restaurants, local businesses, and kind local folks who donated meals, tractors, cash, and lodging for all of us. We are always blown away by the way POC opens their hearts, their homes, and their pocketbooks for Warrior’s Weekend. What an amazing little community!

We would like to thank the following restaurants for feeding us for the two weeks we worked on the sand sculpture. Thank you to…Art’s BBQ, Captain G’s, Cathy’s, Hurricane Junction, Josie’s, Mama’s Pizza, Marty’s, Mini Mart, Speedy Stop, the Senior Citizens lunch group, and the Treasure Chest. We’d also like to thank the following folks who fed us, loaned us equipment, put us up in housing, or helped us in some way…Kathy Yearwood, Bill Tigrett, JR Lange, Roger & Karen Krause, Paul McGee, Kim Sonnier, Dwayne Fishbeck, Vinson RV Park, Judge Nancy Pomykal, Bridget xxxx, Chamber of Commerce, Carol Haverfield, Peggy Elliott, Debbie Busby, Darin Luna, Martie Gonzales, Ann Pesek, Myra Franklin, Pat Ekstrom, Mary Nell McGee, Pat Turk, Tammy Davis, Julie Hime, Lorrie Turner, Johnny Hawes, Harvey & BA Brandon, Mary Jo Walker, Marilyn Giessel, Shelly Gasch, Mike Hopkins, Sandra Armbruster, and Sally Ragusin.

We appreciate each and every one of you. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you. You helped us create a patriotic tribute for our wounded heroes. We just wanted to show them that we care and thank them for their service and their sacrifices.

With deepest gratitude,
The Dragon Lady aka Gloria Fric
& Team Dragon

Volunteers Did Outstanding Job

I read Dolphin Talk, but have never written to you and feel I just have to write this letter. On Saturday, May 18, I brought my three sisters to see the happenings and all the wonderful things that POC does for the Warriors. We are all partially handicapped and elderly but do as much as we can.

We first stopped to see the beautiful sand sculpture. When entering the parking lot, I told the traffic director that my sisters could not walk very far. He immediately directed me to a parking place very near the sculpture. They were amazed at the sight of the huge, beautiful sculpture. Thanks to those talented people who made something so outstanding for everyone to enjoy.

Again, going to Froggies, I was directed to the nearest parking place available. We managed to walk to the area to see the boats coming in. We had lawn chairs in my car, but we couldn’t carry them that far. I mentioned this to one of the volunteers and within seconds there was another volunteer getting these chairs for us.

What I am trying to say is that the volunteers did an outstanding job in all capacities, no matter what the situation was or who needed the aid. They were easily recognized by their green shirts/blouses and I want to say a big THANK YOU to all who helped make our day functional.

Last and most important, Doug Snowdon and my husband Charles Dullye took four Warriors fishing. One of the Warriors caught a 36” redfish and they all caught a variety of fish. There was great satisfaction in seeing these Warriors having a fun time on a fishing trip.

Mrs. Charles Dullye
Shiner, Texas

Warrior’s Weekend

This past Wounded Warriors Weekend was one of the most touching and rewarding events I have ever experienced. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those whom I called upon to donate their houses to help accommodate the tremendous amount of soldiers and family members who came to Port O’Connor. I was told that this year we hosted over 700 soldiers, and if we include the many family members who accompanied the soldiers, the number was around 1,000. Many of the soldiers and their family members expressed their thanks to me personally, and asked me also to convey their gratitude to all those who sponsored their stay. Your unselfish acts of patriotism meant a lot to our guests. They were amazed and often times overwhelmed!

I also appreciate the many stories that you shared with me about your own personal experiences. Each group was unique and many bonds were formed that special weekend.

Of course, this could not have happened without the many volunteers who took time out of their own busy schedules to help personally with escorting soldiers to their places of stay, welcoming them, offering transportation to and from events, waiting up for the last arrival at 12:30 am, getting items ready, making beds, turning on air conditioners, checking-in the arrivals, helping with clerical issues, answering phones, answering questions, giving directions, … Even though it was hectic, I hope you all had fun.

I am, as I know each of you are, extremely proud and excited to be a part of this unique event, and hope we can do even more next year.

On a personal note, I would like to thank Ron and Sherry Kocian and their entire support team for bringing this event to POC in the first place and letting us be the ones to share the experience.

Bill Tigrett

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

Letters to the Dolphin:
Dolphin Talk
PO Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982

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