Municipal Utilities District June Meeting Report

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Jun 13 - Comments Off on Municipal Utilities District June Meeting Report

The MUD Board acknowledged with THANKS to everyone in Port O’Connor for voting “FOR” the Board to issue $10,000,000 in Bonds to refinance the current bonds they have at a lower interest rate.

A presentation was made to the Board by “Awesome Net” to lease space on the water tower.  The Board will investigate this and report at the next meeting.

The Board will soon have a “Drive Thru Drop Box” for customers to pay their monthly bill. The Box will be located in the drive in front of the current office at 39 Denman Drive.  We will keep everyone advised.

The Texas Legislature has approved the name change of PORT O’CONNOR MUNICIPAL UTILITIES DISTRICT to PORT O’CONNOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT effective immediately.  The Legislature also approved the District implementing a “DISTRICT SALES TAX” (UPON APPROVAL OF PORT O’CONNOR VOTERS).  In the November 2013 Election, Port O’Connor voters will vote on the Sales Tax and a Bond Request by the Board.

The POC Improvement District Board will be holding a “TOWN HALL MEETING” before the November Election to explain both the “SALES TAX ISSUE” and the “BOND ISSUE”.

Everyone is invited to attend the Port O’Connor Improvement District meetings which are held in the Board Office every second Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM.  The next meeting will be Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 7:00 PM.

POC Improvement District Board

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