“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Media Malfeasance and the Obama Scandals

A “free press” is the third right guaranteed by Article I of The Bill of Rights. Our Forefathers recognized the necessity of a “free press” because of the need of a truthful reporting of news and the need for investigation of malfeasance at all levels. However with that right, there is a responsibility. Our major, or ‘Mainstream Media, have failed miserably for the last five years and are now paying the price. Associated Press found that Obama’s Dept. of Justice was tapping the phones of dozens, perhaps hundred of their reporters. After five years of glorifying Obama, suppressing any criticism or negative stories, and attacking anyone that did criticize or even question his decisions, Team Obama turned on them. The “Rosengate” scandal was not a surprise, the Obamunists had attacked Fox News consistently and often because they were the only major news outlet offering any news stories that were questioning or even less than fawning to Obama and his policies, or questioned those policies that failed, wasted hundreds of billions of dollars or were further damaging the economy and job creation. But the illegal investigations of loyal ‘Lap-dogs’, finally scared them awake.

I say it is their fault that the Obama Administration has “run off the rails”. After his first inauguration, Obama ordered/allowed AG Eric Holder to quash the case against The New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation in Philadelphia. The MSM said nothing. (Can you imagine the response if the TEA Party did that, supporting a Republican??). Holder went on the TV news saying he wasn’t wasting time prosecuting “our people”. Who are “their people”: Obama supporters? Blacks in general? Racist NBPP violent thugs? This set the stage. What about the Czars, radicals all, and their big salaries? Then followed the “Stimulus”, about $800 billion spent on “job creation and building the economy” that went to massive failures like Solyndra and Fisker ‘Green Energy scams’, and grants all over that included dozens of other failures that somehow always enriched Obama supporters, rich Democrat ‘bundlers’. The political shenanigans used to push through ObamaCare would have caused a huge uproar if pulled by Republicans, but this huge, unworkable medical scam was applauded by the MSM. They even applauded the insanity of Nancy Pelosi’s, “We must pass the bill to see what is in it!” (What if Ted Cruz said something like that?)

I believe that the MSM’s fawning praise of Obama and their culpable neglect of investigating the growing misfeasance and malfeasance in the Obama Administration was a leading cause in “Fast & Furious”. Obama, Holder, and Hillary Clinton tried that infamous gun-smuggling scam to the Mexican Drug cartels because they thought the media would cover-up for them and whip up anti-gun sentiment in the voters. Some were murdered in the US and hundreds were killed in Mexico because of this criminal piece of Political Theater. All to violate the Second Amendment. There is an on-going investigation, but the MSM still supports the ‘stone-walling’ by Team Obama. (If Republicans did this they would be screaming for murder trials! -in states with the death penalty.)

Benghazi took the spotlight off of the Fast & Furious investigation, but led to a number of new scandals, all down-played by the Lap-dogs. Why didn’t Obama at least stay awake; who made the decision not to send re-enforcements or aircraft that could stop the attack; why was the security so minimal in a dangerous area (To avoid attention to secret meeting.); and why did they lie about the attack being a riot, not a terrorist attack? We now know that they had real-time video from drones, Ambassador Stevens was there for a meeting with a Turkish General to facilitate the smuggling of anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to the Syrian Rebels (While Obama was telling the American people that no military aid was going to Syria.), and now we have al Qaeda leaders saying Stevens was killed in a kidnap attempt, and we knew the heavy weapons were not used until after Stevens was captured. Any proper response would have saved the SEALS. Why were commanders that acted appropriately to the tactical situation removed? This will NOT go away.

The New Scandals coming out are really old neglected scandals. IRS refusal of tax-exempt status to Tea Party and other patriot groups, IRS audits on Obama’s ‘enemies’, EPA, FBI, and BATF investigations on ‘enemies’, all these and more are old news. NSA has just gotten bigger and with computers – Garbage in, Garbage out, – ‘militia’ is an instant ‘buzz-word’, but ‘jihad’ is not. Mosques are exempt from FBI surveillance. (?? Think about it). The Media is finally seeing ‘their ox is gored’. That is why the stories are starting to come out and be investigated, but still not very diligently or thoroughly .

If the Media had properly reported and castigated Obama and Holder for not prosecuting The New Black Panthers for their voter intimidation in the 2008 election, “Fast & Furious” would probably not have happened, or any of these other scandals. The Obamunists have used the Media malfeasance as a “permission” or “license” for greater and greater evil; every year it gets worse. The Media have supported the criminality of Team Obama from the beginning, many, if not most, knowingly. They are “accessories before the fact” to every criminal act. They knew he was an ineligible criminal engaged in a criminal fraud before he was elected. The thefts, intimidation, and deaths that followed were a result in their willful participation in that conspiracy.

And they don’t dare touch on the fact that many of these scandals involve some violation of the Constitution that he swore to uphold and others involve his refusal to enforce the law as Chief Executive. Voter intimidation, vote fraud, DOMA, immigration law, bribes, fraudulent loans and grants, illegal wire-tapping, not to mention all the unlawful Regulations and actions of some agencies. And it will get worse until the Media starts to recognize their responsibility is to the American People, not Barack Hussein Obama.

Mr. Brayshaw welcomes your comments or arguments on this website.

11 comments for “The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Jay Jennings

My mother, Margaret Jennings- founder of the Dolphin Talk, would be appalled to see Mr. Brayshaw’s column in her newspaper. I realize that it is labelled an “opinion” column, but Mother would have demanded that it be an INFORMED option column, no matter what the political bent. Simply spewing bile and borrowed rhetoric was not her idea of Dolphin Talk material. Why not let the readers know where your information comes from, Mr. Brayshaw? That is how legitimate columnists operate. Thank You — Jay Jennings

June 23rd, 2013 at 9:20 am
Bill Brayshaw

To Jay Jennings.
State your argument or ask a question and I will furnish documentation. There is simply too much to documentation to waste Joyce’s ink.
Your personal attack is indicative of a Liberal that studies nothing but the “Lap-dog” media.

Ask your question, what do you disagree with? No waste of ink or advertising space here.

June 24th, 2013 at 3:02 pm
Jay Jennings

Since you feel that Joyce’s ink is in such short supply I will limit this response to just one of your points, Mr. Brayshaw. The Philadelphia incident involving the New Black Panther Party happened in 2008. If you had done even a cursory investigation you would have learned that the incident was investigated by the Justice Department under the Bush administration. They dropped the investigation referring to it as “a minor incident”. I have no interest in attempting to sway your political or social views, but I am interested in preserving the integrity of the newspaper that Joyce and my mother founded to serve this community. Purposefully inflammatory rhetoric like “Obamunist” and vaguely referenced innuendo has no place here. That is MY opinion. — Jay Jennings

June 24th, 2013 at 10:39 pm
Bill Brayshaw

K. Burland
To Jay Jennings…
I am fairly new to this area, and from what I have heard, your mother’s newspaper was mostly, local news, and advertisements and news about fishing and hunting in the area. Ms. Ryne started printing some political commentary from both sides of the aisle and it has been clearly stated that the paper itself did not necessarily agree with either side. Are you sure, Mr. Jennings that your mother would have been appalled by Mr. Brayshaw’s articles.. or is it you who are appalled? It IS just an opinion and because it does not agree with your’s or possibly your mother’s does not necessarily make it “bile or borrowed rhetoric.” I thought it was nice to read that not everyone had bought into the same old, same old, that is put out by the main stream media.

June 24th, 2013 at 10:48 pm
Mike Payne

Mr. Jay Jennings…
Finding fault in others efforts is always an easy avenue for those who would do nothing of substance. In regard to your spewing quile and unsubstantiated rhetoric toward Mr. Brayshaw’s honest opinion, I find it even more disingenuous that you would state your case with a falsehood. Your allegation that the NBPP case was a Bush Justice Dept. case flies in the face of facts. See:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203550604574361071968458430.html That from a brief search to determine just who in fact dropped the case. If you are going to find fault in someone else’s facts or opinion, you my good sir, should research your own facts. The article was an excellent “opinion piece”.

June 25th, 2013 at 12:36 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The Dept of Justice had video with sound of the NBPP people threatening and intimidating voters an Philadelphia. It would have been a “slam-dunk” prosecution. It was well reported with video of Eric Holder’s statement that he was not going to prosecute them and refered to them as “our people”. The Bush administration did NOT drop it, but left it for the incoming Obama Administration to handle.

This is flagrant malfeasance of office – selective enforcement and prosecution. Can you imagine if a white political group did anything even close to that? And a Republican AG refusing to prosecute? The Media would have been howling for their scalps. And rightly so.

For more info, videos, and sources see: http://theobamafile.com/_opinion/BlackPanthers.htm

Federal Court finds Obama appointees interfered with Black Panther case: http://washingtonexaminer.com/federal-court-finds-obama-appointees-interfered-with-new-black-panther-prosecution/article/2503500

Informed opinion? Perhaps you should get your news from sources other than Chris Matthews.

No ink wasted here. Next Question?

June 25th, 2013 at 12:41 pm
Claudia VanLydegraf

Dear Sweet Mr. Jennings,
I know that you area trying vainly to protect your Mothers reputation as a newspaper woman, I used to put out a small paper, and keep it to community things, but that is not hat he paper business is about today. A newspaper must delve into opinion and public news to keep readers reading. I personally know where Mr. Brayshaw gets his information and opinions, because I have, along with him, frequented the same places filled with truthful for information for about the last five (5) years, and I can verify that everything he is telling as his opinion is verifiably true and comes from good information, with links included. In fact many people read these same articles, rulings, and information every day, and get the truth put out by not just one, but many particular places. Perhaps you should look around the web for truthful information before you start chastising someone who is trying to be strong willed and show the WE THE PEOPLE that we need to open our eyes to what Obama is really trying to do too our Country, before our Country, as it was founded, totally disappears from the civilized world and becomes a THRID WORLD NATION, which is what Obama is pushing for….. Obama and the Main Stream Media are in cahoots trying to keep the general populace from knowing what is really going on in our own country, and by being so involved, he is stepping on and thrashing our Constitution daily, or perhaps you should get your Mothers paper back, and try to make a go of it yourself, with your lack of knowledge and shallow opinions, in todays confused NEWS world.

June 25th, 2013 at 1:00 pm
Claudia VanLydegraf

To Mr. Jennings and others, I am sorry for the spelling typos, I have a left shoulder (rotator cup) that is ripped up, and causing me lots of pain and numb fingers on my left hand and that makes typing difficult. Please accept my humble apology for the errors. Unfortunately there is no EDIT feature to go back and correct after posting.

June 25th, 2013 at 1:07 pm
Bill Brayshaw

I strongly resent Obama supporters that “bad-mouth” those of us that study and research the news and try to get the facts out to the people.
I probably spend 30 hours or more per week researching news. Much more when I try to write.

I am thankful that Mr Jennings mother founded the Dolphin Talk, and doubly so that Joyce is brave enough to print the truth. Unfortunately our Democrat Party has been hyjacked by radical leftists, internationalist/socialist/totalitarians that have propagandized their followers to the point that they refuse to investigate or even question the spin and outright lies of the Liberal MSM. Now they are taught to demonize anyone that tries to tell the truth about anything.
Yes, I am opinionated and very anti-Obama. I’ve read his (or Bill Ayres’) books, studied his history (what little can be found that is not sealed) and his speeches and record in Illinois, and carefully watches his “performance”. I suggest others do the same. The whole package is frightening and a serious threat to Constitutional America. Also, I seriously recommend Dinish D’Souza’s books and his movie “2016”.

And, yes Claudia, I sorely need the EDIT function too.

June 25th, 2013 at 3:09 pm
Bill Brayshaw

To Mr. Jennings
From The Washingington Times, May 29, 2009:
Justice Department political appointees overruled career lawyers and ended a civil complaint accusing three members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense of wielding a nightstick and intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling place last Election Day, according to documents and interviews.

The incident – which gained national attention when it was captured on videotape and distributed on YouTube – had prompted the government to sue the men, saying they violated the 1965 Voting Rights Act by scaring would-be voters with the weapon, racial slurs and military-style uniforms.

Career lawyers pursued the case for months, including obtaining an affidavit from a prominent 1960s civil rights activist who witnessed the confrontation and described it as “the most blatant form of voter intimidation” that he had seen, even during the voting rights crisis in Mississippi a half-century ago.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/may/29/career-lawyers-overruled-on-voting-case/?feat=home_cube_position1#ixzz2XGhRKnWl
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Where did you get the ” the incident was investigated by the Justice Department under the Bush administration. They dropped the investigation referring to it as “a minor incident”. That is a total lie, Mr Jennings. Where ever you got it.

You seem to guilty of what you accuse me. ” Simply spewing bile and borrowed rhetoric was not her idea of Dolphin Talk material. Why not let the readers know where your information comes from, Mr. Brayshaw? That is how legitimate columnists operate.” I do research. Where do you do yours? In the ‘comments’ section of The Daily Kos? Mother Jones? Rachel Madcow?
Next Question.

June 25th, 2013 at 5:22 pm
Bill Brayshaw

And I seem to BE guilty of leaving out the “be” in my previous comment: “You seem to (be) guilty of what you accuse me.”

I do need EDIT and SpellCheck, but I try to get the facts.

June 25th, 2013 at 5:34 pm
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