What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Jun 13 - Comments Off on What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue

Mothers Of Elementary School Children:

The Summer Reading Program began at the Library Tuesday, June 18th at 10:00 a.m. Registration for your child to participate in this event is NOW; please see the Librarian, Shirley Gordon if you wish to enroll your child.

Upcoming Programs will feature the following:
Tuesday, June 25 Sea Grant
Tuesday, July 2 Coast Guard
Tuesday, July 9 Dr. Freeze
Tuesday, July 16 Story Telling
Tuesday, July 23 Awards Ceremony
Then on Saturday, July 13th, a movie will be shown. And there will be popcorn, drinks, and a pickle for the audience!

I became acquainted with John D. MacDonald’s books over 20 years ago, and I enjoyed them to the point that during the 5 years or so following, I would re-read them. Now, it’s 2013 and though these books were written in the 70’s and 80’s, they are as enjoyable as they were earlier, and I’ve found it time to read them again.

MacDonald’s major characters in his series are Travis McGee, a very unusual person who lives on a large houseboat in Fort Lauder and remains semi-retired during the year. His boat, named the “Busted Flush” is definitely set up for a bachelor person who does enjoy entertaining the fairer sex from time to time. McGee has been likened to a “white knight, slightly banged up who rides in on a semi-lame horse” and rescues not just persons, but often property from the bad guys from time to time. Appearance wise, he is a minimum of 6’4”, deeply tanned with pale grey eyes that look right through another person. And then, there is his friend and fellow boat-liver, Meyer, an economist, who spouts some very unusual facts. The one that got me was in a book entitled THE GREEN RIPPER, written in 1979, when Meyer speaks of the unmanageable world debt of TWO TRILLION DOLLARS. Currently, I believe that the debt of our country is over Sixteen Trillion! My favorites of MacDonald’s books are two of his stand-alone; CONDOMINIUM and BARRIER ISLAND. CONDOMINIUM I re-read at the start of hurricane season, not so much for the plot though quite fascinating with some interesting facts about sub-standard construction and its following affects, but primarily for the meteorological information concerning a major hurricane. BARRIER ISLAND is a book that we residents of Port O’Connor should read as we are protected by a barrier island; the plot discussed the major thrust of a semi-unscrupulous realtor working with a land developer who somehow obtains title to a barrier island along the Mississippi Coast and their plan to defraud not only the Federal Government, but the local people as well. Learning about the uses of a barrier island ecologically is important, but the reader will enjoy the plot as well.

Sandra Brown is one of our popular authors, and therefore, I picked up a book to see why she is so popular. She writes mysteries with a touch of romance; this book was entitled MIRROR IMAGE that features the extremely chaotic life of one woman who resembles another, and due to trading assigned seats on a airplane that explodes, assumes the role and life of that person who dies in the fire. Avery Daniels, a journalist, is the woman who changes her life and becomes the wife of a senatorial candidate in Texas. Her assumption of this woman’s life leads to the unveiling of a plot to assassinate the candidate and her part in this plot. A well constructed book, but a little too light.

As many of you may know, we at the Library have two shelves filled with books for sale; the hard bound copies are priced at $1.00 and the soft cover books are a mere $0.25. If you are traveling at any time in the Summer, you might want to review these titles first as they are all books that do not have a deadline on them!

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