Summertime Fun in Port O’Connor

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jul 13 - Comments Off on Summertime Fun in Port O’Connor

Photos by Mike Hessong

Now here’s a guy who really enjoys a fireworks show! Standing in ankle deep water watching the POC fireworks show, this guy shows his approval of the bright explosions near the end of the show. If it weren’t for the loud booms of the explosions, I bet you could hear him hollering, “Oh Yeah!” -Mike Hessong

Fireworks Chairman Don Haynes and his wife, Sheryl, with the crew who set up the spectacular fireworks for this year’s Port O’Connor 4th of July Fireworks Celebration.

This is what the fireworks look like before they are set off.

Visitors to Port O’Connor found perfect weather for sun and fun over the 4th of July weekend:

Have some great summer photos? Kids having fun on the beach? Family reunions? Pets or people trying to stay cool? Or maybe a great catch of fish?

The Dolphin welcomes your photo submissions and will print as space permits. Email to, preferably in jpg, highest possible resolution.

As always, we welcome your family/organization news and notice and reports of special events. Help us keep our readers up-to-date on what’s happening in the Port O’Connor/Seadrift area.

Deadline for the August issue is Friday, August 9th.

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