Looking for something special to do this Labor Day weekend? Like good music, good food, and fun in the sun?
Follow Highway 185 to King Fisher Beach in Port O’Connor for the 1st Labor Day Beach Bash where you can listen to the music of Larry Joe Taylor, Bill Pekar and the Rainey Brothers and Ransom Rhodes while enjoying a Cajun-style shrimp boil (sponsored by our local shrimpers and bait dealers). Quench your thirst with sodas, water, beer, or wine, available at our Chamber booth, while checking out the offering of vendors of all sorts on the beach front.
Labor Day Beach Bash is brought to you by Russell Cain Real Estate and Port O’Connor Rentals. Proceeds from the event will go towards the King Fisher Beach Improvement Project to help us build a new beach front pavilion for Port O’Connor residents and visitors to enjoy.
Mark your calendar for Saturday, August 31 (11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.). Bring your lawn chairs with you (but no coolers in festival area, please) and come on down for a great day at the beach. (Admission is free).
If you are interested in being a vendor at this event, please contact Laurie Junek at ljunek@tisd.net. If you are interested in sponsorship or volunteering, please contact Mary Jo Walker at shrimper@tisd.net.

Working Toward a New Pavilion Patti Elkins of the Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce accepts a check from First National Bank. The Bank is helping to sponsor the upcoming Labor Day Beach Bash to help raise funds for a new beach front pavilion. Left to right: Dawn Ragusin, Debbie Michalek, Patti Elkins, Dale Weathersby