Port O Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Aug 13 - Comments Off on Port O Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

Beautiful boats, fantastic fisherman, and wonderful winners sure make the tournament season something special in Port O Connor. Things have been busy around this community I am so blessed to call home. I was fortunate enough to cook fresh fish for the amazing volunteers who cleaned the fish donated to feed those in need during both the Poco and the Shootout. Those guys and gals really know how to fillet a fish. Their efforts benefited the food pantries and outreach programs in our county and in Houston.

Back to school is just around the corner, and hopefully cooler temperatures are in the fall forecast. Make your plans now for the Port O’Connor Labor Day Beach Bash with Larry Joe Taylor to be held on August 31 at King Fisher Beach from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m, and keep an eye on the paper and an ear open to the community to hear of other opportunities and activities coming up soon.

The POC Service Club met Thursday, August 1st. The hot topic was the upcoming Garage and Bake Sale which is held every Spring and Fall in the Pavilion of the Community Center. This year’s Fall Sale has been scheduled for Saturday, November 9th. We still want to be your first call as you do your end of summer clean up! We want your donated household items, clothes, toys, sport and fishing equipment. Please contact either Debbie Busby 512 914-9521 or Peggy Elliott 983-2165 to make arrangements for receipt of those items at the County Barn behind our Library.

Proceeds from our Garage and Bake sales help to fund the scholarships we give. At our meeting, Debbie Busby read a letter from Eric Escobar, a prior recipient of funding from the Club. Eric is now in his second year at St. Andrews University in Austin, studying Biology with a minor in German. Club members were very interested in learning of Eric’s student life and scholastic achievements, and were quite pleased to be able to award to him further aid.

Pat Ekstrom announced that a representative from the Hospice of South Texas in Port Lavaca will be at the Tuesday Senior Luncheon on August 20th. Contact Pat, 983-2030, if you would like more information. It was also announced that Life Flight is still servicing Port O’Connor. This is a service that provides necessary and emergency helicopter flights to a major hospital in our area; the cost is $45.00/yr for a family. Please contact our President, Janet Johnson, 983-4737, for more information.

This is the last month for one meeting only. We will return to our usual 1st and 3rd Thursdays meeting schedule in September meeting on the 5th and 19th at 10:00 AM in the small room at the back of the POC Community Center.. Service club members and committees continue to prepare for a fun and busy fall including our annual fall rummage sale, back to school activities and volunteering opportunities at our local elementary campus, Friends of the Library building and fund raising, History Committee book project, our fall fresh nuts sale, and much more.

Need a group who challenges your mind and encourages your spirit? We have a spot for you and welcome all who want to join the POC Service Club. Join us for our next meeting or contact our president Janet Johnson at 983-4737 or Membership Chairman, Shirley Gordon at 983-4365 for more information. So, until next time, be safe, live simply, love openly, forgive generously and remember this quote from the gentle philosopher Saint Francis of Assisi “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

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