Cemetery Board Making Improvements

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Sep 13 - Comments Off on Cemetery Board Making Improvements

Sometime between the years 1909 and 1919, five acres on Monroe Street in Port O’Connor were set aside for the community’s use as a cemetery. It wasn’t until March of 2005 after the Port O’Connor Service Club built a pavilion to host services at the cemetery, that much thought was given to just how many might be buried there, and just where the graves were all located.

Then Bob Allen took it upon himself to locate and mark those graves. There are now 200 known graves. In February of 2012, through the efforts of Bob and the Cemetery Committee of the Calhoun County Historical Commission, the Port O’Connor Cemetery was designated an Historic Cemetery. It was suggested, that it would be in the best interest of the cemetery and the community to create a Community Cemetery Association.

The Association was formed in October of 2012. Board Members were elected and began to consider how the remaining land could be best utilized. Trying to make the best use of the available land, this past August they began the process of making a grid on all the plots, and determining how to lay out them uniformly.

When the process is completed, a large copy of the grid will be posted at the pavilion, with named graves marked by number, and spaces reserved by families for future use also marked. Those who have already reserved their places are asked to contact one of the Board Members to go out with you so your plots can be uniform and marked on the grid. Each plot will be 5’ by 10’ and marked with uniform flat pavers. You may reserve as many plots as you wish, but they need to be of this uniform size in order to maximize the amount of land at the cemetery. And to make caring for the grounds easier, pvc pipes need to be replaced with the flat pavers.

Board Members and their contact numbers are: President, Debbie Gayle, 649-3261; Vice President, Shirley Harper, 746-3108; Secretary/Treasurer, Marie Hawes, 920-2322 and Directors Bob Allen, 550-7170; Calvin Ragusin, 655-0498; Bobbie Carrera, 489-9671; Wayne Gonzales, 564-7185, and Duane Gonzales, 564-7324.

All Directors have family and friends in this cemetery and they would all like to see it made as nice as possible. Some of the directors will have Port O’Connor Cemetery as their final resting place, as they can’t think of a place they would rather be. Some will not, as they have moved away, but they still have loved ones interred here. That is why they all have taken so much interest in our cemetery.

Any person or group who would like to help keep our cemetery mowed, please contact Bob Allen, as help is needed. If you can not help, perhaps you can contribute a bit of lawn mower gas money, or even some lawn equipment if you have any you don’t need. Thank you.

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