Local Republicans Meet With Elected Representatives

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Sep 13 - Comments Off on Local Republicans Meet With Elected Representatives

“I can’t imagine a situation in which they could talk me into voting for it,” was the answer given by Congressman Blake Farenthold when asked how he would vote on action against Syria. As he spoke on September 3 at the Calhoun County Republican Club, he had not yet received an official briefing on the Syrian situation. “I will listen skeptically to the Committee,” he said, “but I am against it.”

Intervention in Syria was the topic of most concern to Club members present. One person asked, “What is our interest in Syria?” Congressman Farenthold responded that the main argument is the agreement that ‘weapons of mass destruction will not be tolerated’, but he pointed out there should be UN involvement, not just the United States. “We can no longer afford to be the world’s policeman,” he said.

“The Middle East has never been more unstable than it is under Obama. It’s almost like we’re a force for chaos there rather than a force for good,” he added.

When asked why we are still providing aide to all our enemies, the congressman attempted to explain how difficult it is to make changes in appropriation bills and get them past the Senate. “You have career diplomats who lobby Congress to ‘buy our friends’. We need to pull power back from bureaucrats to elected officials who are responsible to the voters,” said Farenthold. In his opinion, the only worthwhile foreign aid we are giving is in support of Israel and to training the National Police in Mexico in their fight against the drug cartels.

Also present at the meeting was State Representative Geanie Morrison, who reported on the accomplishments of the past regular and special sessions of the Texas Congress. She stressed the importance of Proposition 6 in the November Constitutional Amendment Election, saying it is critical that we act on the water issue. (Prop. 6: …providing for the creation of the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas and the State Water Implementation Revenue Fund for Texas to assist in the financing of priority projects in the state water plan to ensure the availability of adequate water resources.)

Representative Morrison has offered an amendment concerning the Texas Navigator Program, which is part of the Obamacare initiative. Her amendment is to prohibit the Navigators from engaging in political advocacy while they are signing up people for Obamacare.

One club member expressed his concerns over voter fraud, and Rep. Morrison responded, “We know there is voter fraud. Having passed the Voter ID Law, we are up against the President and Eric Holder, who are trying to stifle Republican votes,” she said, “but as of now, and as in many other states, you must present identification to vote in Texas.”

Congressman Farenthold pointed out that there is a massive push to ‘turn Texas blue’ and Republicans are being out-organized and out-worked. “If Texas becomes a ‘blue state’, “ he said, “there will not be another Republican President in our lifetime.” He commended the Republican Club for organizing and encouraged them to work to ‘keep Texas red’.

Following the talks with Representative Morrison and Congressman Farenthold, the Club held a short business meeting and announced that Rachel Huertevant has accepted the position of Club Vice President.

The next meeting of the Republican Club will be held Monday, October 7 at Grace Episcopal Church Community Room. Sonja Harris, who initiated Conservatives in Action, will be the featured speaker. Also speaking will be Calhoun County Elections Administrator Dora Garcia, who will explain what documents will be acceptable as Voter ID for the November 5th election.

The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. Dinner ($5) will be served from 5:00 until 6:00 p.m. Please call 552-0917 a week in advance for dinner reservations.

State Representative Geanie Morrison and United States Congressman Blake Farenthold at the meeting of the Calhoun County Republican Club

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