POC Service Club News by Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Sep 13 - Comments Off on POC Service Club News by Sue Kubecka

The first meeting of the POC Community Service Club’s New Year was held on Thursday, September 5, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the Community Center. The meeting opened with members present reciting the Lord’s Prayer and then continued with the election of officers and selection of committee chairmen for the year 2013-2014. Following the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, the current slate of officers was re-elected by acclamation with the acceptance of Janet Johnson, President; Carol Haverfield, Vice President; Diane Cooley, Secretary; Annette Leach, Treasurer; and our very charming Agnes Valigura, Parliamentarian.

Current Membership Chairman, Shirley Gordon, introduced Judy Overton to the members. Judy had been a member of the POC Service Club for a number of years prior to her family’s move to Victoria. We are all so happy to welcome her back to this organization.

A few new committee chairmen were appointed including Becky Carville and Marie Hawes with Judy Overton for the Annual Christmas Luncheon; Bell Allen, Pat Turk and Kay Middleton for the Citizen of the Year Nominating Committee; Marie Hawes, Scholarship. Previous chairmen were then reappointed including: Sue Kubecka, Publicity Chairman with the assistance of Joyce Jordan and our extremely talented, Ginnie Lichac, who designs and executes the posters and signs for our many events. Christmas Decorating Committee will be Joyce Jordan and Sue Kubecka with the necessary help of Peggy Elliott, Diane Cooley and Shirley Gordon; Membership Chairman, Shirley Gordon; Garage Sale Chairman, Debbie Busby, ably assisted by Peggy Elliott, Kay Middleton and Marie Hawes; Bake Sale Chairman, Ginnie Lichac with the assistance of Pat Ekstrom and Annette Leach; Nut Sales, Sally Jones; Cookbook Sales, Kay Middleton; Sign Boards at the Community Center, Fire Station and Post Office, Annette Leach; .New Projects, Marie Hawes; and Hospitality, Sue Kubecka;

A note of gratitude to Kelly Gee Cooper, who gave me (Sue) a short vacation from reporting the Club news. Thanks so much as I really needed that short time to find a new Thesaurus and Dictionary. Now everything is in place, once again and I’ve lots of good words to use!

A mention of the upcoming Garage Sale on Saturday, November 9th with the assurance at this time that there was still room in the County Barn for donations of usable and clean clothing, kitchen equipment and supplies, bedding, books, pictures, and don’t forget the various items of tools, fishing equipment and other necessities for the male contingent of this Community. As Ginnie Lichac will be heading the Committee for the Bake Sale, the public is definitely urged to make their appearance early when the various items go on sale. POC women have long been known for their excellence in baking, and many have won prizes attesting to that effect. Do watch our paper for further news.

Our President, Janet Johnson then gave more particulars on the service as provided by PHI for emergency transportation to a medical facility. An interested person needs to contact them directly at 1-888-435-9744 to receive the necessary application to complete. As the service for only one year is $40-$45, this type of service can become life-saving.

During the second meeting in September, the 19th, Chairmen Becky Carville and Marie Hawes took suggestions for the Christmas Luncheon menu. Chairmen Joyce Jordan and Sue Kubecka discussed their plans for decoration of the Community Center during the month of December. A possible change in decorations could evolve having a Texan Cowboy Christmas or even a Fisherman’s Christmas; more later as further discussions are held.

A reminder to the members: as this is the beginning of our new year, we are once again meeting two times per month, so the next meeting will be Thursday, October 3, 2013. If you have not paid your $5.00 membership dues previously, do plan to come and see what this coming year holds for you. We heartily welcome all interested women to the next meeting at 10:00 a.m. to learn in more detail what this organization is all about. Do contact either Janet Johnson, President, 983-4737 or Shirley Gordon, 983-4365 for further information.

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