Port O’Connor’s Night Out Against Crime by Leon Brown

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Sep 13 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor’s Night Out Against Crime by Leon Brown

Free Hot Dogs, Drinks and the Art Poster Contest

On Tuesday, October 1st, businesses and residents of Port O’Connor are being invited to join forces with thousands of communities throughout the Great State of Texas for Port O’Connor’s Night Out Against Crime. Port O’Connor’s Night Out Against Crime is being sponsored by the portoconnorwatch.com and co-sponsored by the Calhoun County Sheriff, George Aleman.

All communities throughout the State of Texas have been assigned Tuesday, October 1st to celebrate National Night Out, which is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch. Texas is the only state that celebrates a Night Out during October; all other states celebrate on August 6th. This was determined by weather. We all know how hot Texas can be during August.

Port O’Connor’s Night Out Against Crime is designed to: (1) Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; (2) Generate support for, and participation in, the portoconnorwatch.com and in local anti-crime efforts; (3) Strengthen neighborhood spirit and community partnership with Calhoun County Sheriff’s office; and (4) Send a message to criminals, letting them know neighbors of Port O’Connor are organized and fighting back.

From 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on October 1st, residents of Port O’Connor are asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights, visit and spend the evening outside with neighbors at the Port O’Connor Elementary School. There will be Fingerprinting for children, Hot Dogs and drinks for all, visit with local officials, ride of the Fire Trucks and the Art Poster Contest will be judged and winners announced. First Place winner receives a $100.00 WalMart Gift Card; Second Place $50.00; and Third Place a $25.00 WalMart Gift Card. Let’s all get out, meet new neighbors, and have fun.

Join portoconnorwatch.com to become a part of our community who wants to watch out for our neighbors. Go to the internet; type portoconnorwatch.com, and join our watch; there is no charge for becoming a member.

Volunteers are still needed for the event. To donate, volunteer or to learn more about Port O’Connor’s Night Out Against Crime, call Leon Brown at 361-649-5969, or send an email to Leon at lsbkaw@tisd.net.

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