Chapel Happenings by Enry McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Oct 13 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Enry McDonough

Fisherman’s Bible Institute classes have begun! For several years, Instructor Reverend Joane McDonough has led the FBI here at the Chapel. These are classes designed for the serious Bible student. There are workbooks to be filled out (taking an average of 7 hours weekly) and two hours of teaching time each week on Tuesday evenings (7-9 p.m.). These classes are designed to help Bible students have a good introduction to every part of God’s Word. It takes three years to complete the entire FBI course of study, but a student can begin any year and complete the course in three years. Those who are interested in this in-depth study of God’s Word should contact Pastor Joane at 361/983-2619.

October is a busy month for preachers. On October 7, Joane and I attended a Fellowship Meeting in Palacios and transported an Evangelist couple to Bush Airport. Before the rushed trip to Houston, we were a part of a team who interviewed seven candidates for ministry credentials.

On October 8, Joane and I went to Southeastern Houston to a minister’s school sponsored by the Reverend Don Nordin and CT Church. The school began at 9:00 a.m. each morning, after breakfast, with a break from about 2:30 to 6:30, when we reconvened for the evening services. We never got back to our room before midnight! But, the spiritual impact of those days – Tuesday – Thursday – will never be forgotten! We saw the Lord’s power show up at every service and there were many miraculous things that happened. Come by and I will gladly share some of these events with you. God is still alive and visiting His people who hunger for His visitation!

On October 17-19, Joane and I had the opportunity to attend a Minister’s Retreat in Kerrville. These three days were filled with opportunities to fellowship with other ministers, but also to be refreshed by the presence of the Lord in the services. This is an annual event and Joane and I always look forward to this time of renewal.

This Sunday, October 20, Fisherman’s Chapel will host Evangelist Gene and Mona Summers in both the morning and evening services. The Reverend Summers is no stranger to the Chapel, since they have been here many times before. Everyone is urged to attend and be ready to laugh, cry, and praise the Lord!

Pastor Joane has been very busy lately filling the pulpit for me at the Chapel and other congregations. We also have been blessed here at the Chapel by the ministry of the Reverend Jesse Delgardo, Hermano Jessie, the Reverend Everett Ruddick, and Evangelists Steven and Kim Hoell from Charlotte, North Carolina.

More and more kids are showing up for Friday Night Youth (FNY) at the Chapel. FNY meets from 7-10 p.m. each Friday, except the first Friday of each month. There are games to play, food to enjoy, friendships to develop, and always a devotional to help the kids of this area develop into excellent leaders. Julian and Alissa and their helpers work hard to make sure each child is blessed by this experience. All kids from this area are welcomed!

Our service schedule is full, but exciting. We meet at 10:00 a.m. each Lord’s Day for Bible Study. (We are working through the Book of Philippians.) At 11:00 a.m., we begin our morning service, which features great singing and a message from Scripture. At 6:00 p.m., we reconvene for the evening service, which is lively and inspirational. Tuesdays (7-9 p.m.) is Fisherman’s Bible Institute. Wednesdays we meet for midweek service at 7:00 p.m. Friday is Friday Night Youth and kids of all ages are here for fun, food, and fellowship from 7-10 p.m. It is also not unusual for us to throw another opportunity to meet together from time to time.

You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel, and you are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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