Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Oct 13 - Comments Off on Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

October 1st of 2013 may have been somewhat early to celebrate Halloween but don’t tell Biddie Hileman and Sally Jones, the hostesses for the Bunco Group that evening. And those two certainly came prepared for a fun time. When I saw a nun drive up in full regalia, I thought perhaps she had arrived “at the wrong pew”, then discovering it was Sally Jones, I started to giggle. And then when MAMA drove up, extremely well dressed and topped with a flowery hat, I could not contain the giggles. Sister Grace and MAMA then proceeded to set up a large table with all sorts of delicious items for the attending ladies. As the evening progressed with much animated play, it finally ended with Pat Ekstrom being the big winner with Most Games; Mary Ann Claiborne the winner of the Most Buncos AND the Floating Bunco, and Judy Overton snagging the Booby Prize. Next month’s hostesses will be Kelly Gee-Cooper and Judy Overton. Call Shirley Gordon at the Library, 983-4365 for further information.

Biddie Hileman & Sally Jones get ready for Bunco.

October 26, 2013 is the date for the 5th Annual Chili & Gumbo Cookoff at Hurricane Junction! See Hoop for more details and how to enter this delightfully original contest! Once again, our local Library and its Building Fund will benefit. And participants can expect a wandering photographer and journalist to be there to sample the wares and discuss recipes with the chefs!

And also on the 26th of October is the annual Halloween Fest at our local school; this is when the kids and many adults try to outdo each other with some fascinating costumes. Check our paper or the school for further information.

But do save Saturday, November 9, 2013 for the semi-annual Fall Garage Sale as organized by the members of the POC Service Club. And as always there will be a Bake Sale of totally enticing desserts whether they’re cookies or cakes or even pies to whet the appetite of the consumer. See the POC Service Club News for further information.

And a plea to our long-time residents; we in the Service Club are putting together a book of photographs and other information concerning our community to show our history and also the many families that have been a part of that history. Many of you residents may have pictures of your children at our School, a picture of the churches with their ministers and priests, the stores, and hopefully your families, grandparents and all. IF and that’s a big IF, you could share with us these pictures and a little information about them, we would be extremely grateful. Your treasured photographs would then be professionally copied and returned with much gratitude as each would then become a part of our Book! Please contact either Sue Kubecka, the Chairman of this endeavor at 361 798-0560, or Janet Johnson, the President of the Club at 983-4737.

One topic that should be addressed are the number of dogs of various sizes that are allowed to run loose and often in a pack of other dogs. It can be somewhat of a frightening happenstance if you find yourself being surrounded by a number of large strange dogs. Although POC does not have a leash law, we are under County jurisdiction for the control of animals. Now one can understand why a resident on a golf cart or on a “moped”, carries a big stick!

Have you been in our local bank since last week? If so, did you see that stunningly beautiful quilt that is hanging on the wall thanks to our bank manager. The quilt, king-sized, has been made by the Calhoun County Quilting Guild; each member has been working on this all year and the completed result is striking. But if you’re very lucky, you CAN be the owner of it. Just see any of the local ladies selling raffle tickets, 6 for $5, and wish for good fortune. The raffle will take place on November 3rd, and luckily, one does not need to be present to win. Contact Peggy Elliott, 983-2165 or Carol Haverfield, 983-4969 for more information about buying tickets! And some tickets are available at the Bank too! The funds from this raffle will go to support the ongoing projects of this organization benefiting the community at large.

Does anyone have up-to-date information as to when the new bridge on 1289 will start construction?

Seeing the truck and boat trailer traffic by the Fishing Center the weekend of October 4 & 5, should lead to an extremely successful Grand Slam Tournament in memory of Chris Ragusin. There was quite a line stretching down the street of the waiting fishermen to get going! And the proceeds again will benefit our community thanks to this outstanding group.

And, potential vendors; DON’T FORGET that the 2nd Annual Arts & Crafts Festival as sponsored by the Lions Club will take place on March 8, 2014. Yes, that’s several months away, but if you have articles that you’ve made to sell and wish to become a part of this new happening, please contact Joyce Jordan, President, 361 655-6999 to reserve space. Indoor space in the Pavilion of the Community Center goes quickly, so get your reservation in NOW!
361 798-0560

I welcome correspondence from various organizations re their happenings for information to add to this column. Also welcome any remarks, good or otherwise.

Table of many, many goodies. No wonder Bunco play doesn't start very promptly!



Pat Ekstrom at the Bunco Halloween party

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