Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Oct 13 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

Hello From Nelda

9-26-13 It has been two months since I suddenly left POC which started with the tragedy of Clyde’s passing. My house sold quickly and I bought a home in Burleson, TX. Everything happened so fast it seemed like a whirlwind went by.

Port O’Connor was my home for 37 years. I loved the Gulf of Mexico, quiet outdoor life and so many people passing by our home, waving or stopping to chat. This will be my last move until “THE GREAT OLD NURSING HOME” gets me.

A special thanks to Beverly, who checked on us every morning and feeds the cats, Joe Tennison, who helped with so many projects and loading the truck, Pete Wilson who drove the moving truck 650 miles round trip and Uncle Bill Loden for all the encouragement to get started on this necessary adventure.

I will forever be grateful for the years I spent in POC and all the great people I call friends. Thank you all. .
Nelda Holloway
501 Bluebonnet Dr.
Burleson Tx. 76028 817 980 8257

Thank You

Thank You to everyone who attended National Night Out in Seadrift Tuesday Nov 1, 2013. The weather cleared up just in time for the Seadrift PD/VFD, D.I.V.A Girls and The Harbor to set up games, face painting and free hot dogs for everyone who stopped by.

Special thanks to Family Dollar, Dicks Food Store, Bayside Express and HEB for donating the food/drinks, Kathleen Lambright/Realtor at Pooley Land & Realty for face painting, Beverly Smith/The Harbor for fun with games, D.I.V.A Girls for co-hosting the event with the Seadrift Police Dept. and vehicle/equipment demos by Seadrift Volunteer Fire Dept. & EMS.

Lisa Harris McLean

Dell’s Barber Shop

I just wanted to express my belief that Dell’s old shop should be maintained as a POC landmark, part of old town and a place where so many old war heroes and long gone residents gathered to swap stories, tales and sometimes tall tales. I have traveled a lot and have found his old shop to be one of a kind anywhere. I hope it is possible to preserve this bit of POC history and it be maintained with help from the community. I was saddened by Dell’s passing and often think of all the “old timers” that once frequented his shop every time I drive by it.

Brush Freeman
Utley-Port O’Connor

Look For Snakes!

Dear Friends of the Coastal Bend Area, Port Lavaca & Victoria:

Thank you all for your prayers, letters, flowers, cards, and visits. All the churches in the area were praying for me after my snake bite. The Port Lavaca Memorial Medical Center, Dr. Paul Bunnell and the entire medical staff of the ER and Intensive Care unit really took care of me.

I feel that I am a very appreciative and thankful individual. God is not through with me yet. My loving wife Cherre saw about my every need. Thanks to all of my friends in the community of the Coastal Bend. They truly care. Please look for snakes in flower beds and where you walk. I look forward to serving the Coastal Bend Area for many more years.

Thank you,
Russell Cain
Resident of Calhoun County for 59 years
Realtor for 41 years

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

Letters to the Dolphin:

Dolphin Talk
PO Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982


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