The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Oct 13 - Comments Off on The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it,
and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

ObamaCare, or the misnamed Affordable Care Act (ACA), was intended to fail.

Gerald Friedman, an Economics Professor at the University of Massachusetts, is also a senior fellow in the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest Marxist group in the US. Writing an article, A Century and Counting: The Campaign for National Health Insurance,, he explains how DSA protege, Barack Hussein Obama has maneuvered the ACA into existence to create popular demand for socialized health care.

“After a century of struggle, the ACA commits the United States to providing universal access to health care. This is a great achievement, one to be treasured and nurtured. Now the real fight begins, to turn this commitment into a reality that the ACA itself cannot produce. Barack Obama was right the first time: only a single-payer program can provide universal coverage, and only a single-payer program can control costs.”

Obama Care was a hoax from the very begininig. It was written as a huge bureaucratic boondoggle that no one really understands, not even the people that wrote it. It was passed by Democrat politicians that didn’t read it, but were coerced with threats and bribes by Obama and the Democrat leadership. It has now expanded to 10,535 pages of bureaucratic nightmare regulations. Speaker Nancy Pelosi infamously said, “We must pass the bill to see what is in it.” Possibly the dumbest statement made by a political leader in modern history. The gutless RINOS in the Republican leadership were so buffaloed by Media accusations of “Racist!” that they would not attack the bill or the supporters, but counted on the Supreme Court to throw it out because of the blatant unconstitutionality of the bill and the way it was “passed”.

Since its being signed into “law”, Obama has wasted many billions of dollars on implementing it and propagandizing the American people to accept it. Also he has given millions of exemptions to Congress, Federal workers, Unions, and other political cronies. The “law” that they intend to enforce is not what was passed and signed and certainly not what was promised. But it is still hailed as a major victory by the Socialist/Totalitarians and loyal Obots.

The Average Citizen is horrified to find out what ObamaCare really means. The Health Care Plans they had and were promised to be able to keep are all illegal under ObamaCare. All insurance coverage must meet ObamaCare objectives and provide contraception, abortion, alcohol and drug abuse treatment, and all “Mental Health” issues including ‘sex-change operations’. Most American don’t want or need these services and don’t want the govt bureaucrats involved if they did. Especially at these greatly inflated prices to pay for all the bureaucracies that “provide” mandated End of Life Counseling for all over 65, Rationing (Death) Panels for those that refuse to obey the End of Life Counselors, and the endless questioning on life-style, personal beliefs, and political ideas that may well be the major ‘evidence’ considered by these panels that decide whether you ‘qualify’ for the needed treatment. You can refuse to believe this, but you will see it, and soon.

The NSA govt computers can capture all communications world-wide and store billions of bits of info on millions of people for a year at a time, longer if you are ‘a person of interest’, but the govt computers can not register people for ObamaCare? This is a huge boondoggle, it defies belief, but it is real. The Congressional Budget Office is constantly raising the expected cost to taxpayers, currently about 3 times more than expected, because they have to base their projections on the lies of the Administration.

If there was any doubt that ObamaCare was designed to be a wasteful and very expensive failure, they were removed by the incompetence, failures, and revelations of “what is really in it” over the past 11 days. The $634 million website is still failing miserably. The ObamaCare implementation was designed to provide a multi-billion dollar “Slush Fund” for “Navigators” hired and trained by loyal Obama supporters OFA and the dozens of new ACORN offshoots. OFA, Obama For America is Obama’s superPAC, staffed by people from his campaign. These groups register and indoctrinate Obama Voters and have often been responsible for massive vote fraud. This is just the beginning, Obama is demanding that Congress raise the Debt Ceiling so he will have an “Unlimited Credit Card” to buy votes and contributions for “Democrat” (Obamunist) Candidates in the 2014 elections. Also, his Amnesty plans to provide another huge block of socialist voters for the Democrats. He must consolidate and increase his power now, or The Agenda will be in jeopardy as the Low Information Voters learn what ObamaCare and the entire Obama Agenda really means.

If Obama succeeds, and he has already demonstrated his intent to ignore the checks and balances of Constitutional govt, our economy is doomed and the continued deterioration of our Constitutional Republic will result in a socialist totalitarian welfare state run by the most radical leftists in the Democrat Socialist Party. That too will fail, and will collapse into a Communist Dictatorship, the true goal of all Marxists, and their plan is well documented. The only practical alternative is the secession of states with reasonably successful economies, the desire to re-industrialize, and put people back to work. This will leave the ObamaNation with only the failing liberal/progressive states. This “Post-industrial Society” is a utopian fantasy of people that know nothing of how wealth is created, but much about “socialist theories” that have failed everywhere they are tried. Ultimately Communism kills. Look at the difference between North and South Korea.

10/11/13 And now the cowardly Republicans have offered to cave and fund it until Dec. 15.

Note: I invite questions or arguments on the website. There is not room in these articles to give sources and specific details.

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