What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Oct 13 - Comments Off on What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

Sadness hit Port O’Connor very hard in the past few days. First, we had the terrible loss of our very dear friend Bill Reevs. “Brother Bill” was pastor of our church for several years, followed by being our church pianist for over 10 years. Bill Reeves was a dear friend and enjoyed the work of the Lord more than you can imagine. Bro. Bill officiated over more Port O’Connor funerals and weddings than all the Port O’Connor pastors combined. Port O’Connor will miss Bro. Reeves, but we all know he was received in Heaven with open arms.

On Saturday, October 5, 2013, I attended the sad funeral for Wyatt Cole O’Neill, the son of Nathan and Jenny O’Neill. The funeral home overflowed with Port O’Connor people who came to pay their respects. The Port O’Connor Fire Department was there in full force and the service was very inspirational. Nathan O’Neill is a member of the Fire Department and the Fire Department were the pallbearers and one of the Fire Trucks transported the tiny coffin to the Port O’Connor Cemetery. I am sure Wyatt will make a very handsome tiny Angel in Heaven!

Port O’Connor will be remembering in prayer the family of Bro. Bill Reeves and Nathan and Jenny O’Neill.

The Church had eight senior adults attending the Fall Senior Adult Retreat at Camp Zephyr this past week. Those attending were Kenneth Clark, Doyle Adams, Jim and Diane Cooley, Alice Pittman, Mary Nell McGee, and Donnie and Shirley Martin. The Retreat was outstanding in every way! The fellowship was super; the Gospel Music outstanding; the devotions were enriching; the preaching inspirational, and the Bible study was fantastic. The camp is situated on the banks of Lake Corpus Christi, on the outskirts of Mathis, Texas – just a perfect setting for a beautiful Christian camp. Three great meals a day, all the refreshments and beautiful motel rooms for 3 1/2 days for $100 per person. You can’t beat it!

The Church is looking forward to the annual “Great Day in the Morning” on Sunday, October 27. This is “High Attendance Day” with the goal of 100 in Sunday School and Church. The morning service at 11:00 a.m. will be very special with congregational singing, solos, and other special music by the choir. Immediately after the morning service, everyone will go to Fellowship Hall for a Great Fried Chicken Dinner with all the trimmings, salads, and an array of homemade desserts. Everyone is invited to attend all the services, and especially the dinner!

This year’s Port O’Connor “Thanksgiving Service” will be held in First Baptist Church on Sunday evening, November 24, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. The Thanksgiving message will be delivered by St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. The service is sponsored by the three Port O’Connor churches: Fisherman’s Chapel, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, and First Baptist Church. A special love offering will be taken during the service to purchase Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets for those in need in Port O’Connor.

See you in church Sunday!

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