Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Nov 13 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

What an exciting time! I always see November as the time to get ready for Advent! We can never go to Christmas without first learning Thanksgiving! God so graciously has provided a Savior for us, but before we welcome Him to the manger, we must acknowledge Him as King of kings and Lord of lords!

The Chapel has been experiencing many exciting things recently. One that stands extremely big in our minds was the All Church Fellowship that was given in honor of Pastor Appreciation Month. This congregation “pulled out all the stops” and not only gave us a very generous gift, but also showered us with many notes, cards, and special “care” items. The Friday Night Youth kids also made cards and expressed their love. It will truly be a day we will remember for many years! Thanks for loving us!

Sunday, November 3, was a special day at the Chapel. In the morning service, the Reverend Larry Lanphier ministered. He is a long standing friend of both us and this congregation. While pastoring in Arlington, Brother Larrry brought many of his men to help us complete the Youth Room. He blessed us with his message. In the evening service, a long time friend, Missionary Jim Dempsey, was with us. Again the message was on target and spoke to our hearts in a very special way.

But, Sunday, November 3, will also be known for another special activity. At 5:15 p.m., John and Christina Casey were united in marriage. What made the wedding special was the fact that the reception was held after the evening service! It was a lovely ceremony and we are confident in the Lord’s continued blessings on this special couple.

We sincerely appreciate the Women’s Service Club for their generous donation of $1,000 toward the Port O’Connor Benevolence Fund. Ladies in the Chapel are preparing to put together Thanksgiving Food Baskets and next month getting the Christmas baskets ready. With this special donation, we will be able to provide a turkey for each basket. Thank you “hard working women” for your generosity to this community effort to help the needy of our area.

The Community Thanksgiving Service will be at First Baptist Church on Sunday, November 24, beginning at 6:00 p.m. There will be special music and a message brought by the Catholic priest. Following the service will be a time of fellowship, complements of the ladies of First Baptist. We trust everyone will make a special effort to attend and will bring a generous offering. Last year, we passed out 35 Thanksgiving baskets and 25 Christmas baskets. Each food basket had about $50 of food in it – you can do the math! Any can goods that are donated will help and the Boy Scouts are going out November 20 to help collect them for this project. Please be generous!

Those families needing assistance in the form of a food basket should contact me as soon as possible at 983-4240 or 983-2619. As always, our desire is to feed “need”, not “greed”! This is a very generous community, but we ask that no one abuse our efforts. We know that there are some who are truly needy who will never call, because they think there are others more needy that they – these are the very ones we want to help! Please, if you know of a needy family, call for them! Baskets will be passed out on Tuesday, November 26 at the Chapel, but as always, a basket must be reserved by Sunday, November 17 to be ready for pick-up. Christmas baskets will be passed out Tuesday, December 17. The deadline for that sign up will be Sunday, December 8.

Take time to be thankful, and you will be ready for Christmas!

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