The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Nov 13 - Comments Off on The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it,
and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Random Thoughts

I have been too busy this last month to do the research to write a serious and documented column. However, I am a huge fan of Dr. Thomas Sowell, economist, educator, & columnist, and he has several times written columns entitled “Random Thoughts”. Since “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, here goes my effort. These are my opinions only, and somewhat ‘radical’, so please do not blame the Dolphin.

• Desperate times require desperate measures, or at least stop doing the same dumb things and expecting better results.

• Marxism kills the human spirit in all ways. Not only does it kill ambition in the productive, the dreams of youth, but the gratitude of those that may benefit short term. And it rewards viciousness and lying in the leaders.

• The Constitution is often said to be inspired by God. It was inarguably written by men that were inspired by God. If there is no God, well intentioned people would have to invent Him to facilitate civilization. I believe that it may be possible for a strong-minded moral person to be an atheist or agnostic and still be civilized, but weak-minded people are too greedy and self-centered. Without God, or a totalitarian gov’t, they become criminals and parasites. But they are the natural prey of the Marxists and Progressives that use them for votes and cannon-fodder in riots and revolutions.

• There will be massive cancellations of Health Insurance policies. This was intended and guaranteed by ‘mandated coverages’. TeamObama number-crunchers estimated 93 million people would lose their insurance and told Obama back in 2010. His promise to “keep your plan and your doctor” were knowing, intentional, and malicious lies to pass the bill and get the foolish to support his take-over of health care. Others estimated as much as 134 million will lose their plans. The real goal of ObamaCare is to destroy the health insurance industry to facilitate Govt Health Care. Also many Doctors will retire. The ObamaCare train-wreck and melt-down is just getting started, it will get much worse.

• Nancy Pelosi said, “We must pass the bill to see what is in it!” This may be the stupidest thing ever said by a ‘Democratic leader’ in the history of democracy. Totally irresponsible and willful malfeasance to her constituents: as Speaker of the House, that is the American people. Impeachment for Gross Malfeasance and Misprision of Felony is called for.

• There will be an effort by patriotic Republicans to impeach Attorney General Eric Holder for his involvement in many crimes and stone-walling on Fast and Furious and his intentional refusal to enforce Federal laws against political allies of the Obama Administration. This will probably fail because of the Democratic controlled Senate and their RINO allies will be bought off.

• There is a serious rift in the Republican Party. The Mainstream Media will try their best to back the RINOs and demonize the “Tea Party” reformers. The RINO leadership believes the Media and is encouraged by them, forgetting that the Media will turn on them like rabid dogs when the primaries are over. That is why they are called The Stupid Party! Do NOT give money to the Republican National Committee or any other National Republican fund raising organization. Support your local party, support Republican candidates directly, and support patriotic organizations that are trying to preserve the Constitution. Educate yourself about what is really happening in govt, our liberty and the Union depend on it. Neither govt, the media, or most of the pundits will tell you the truth, their comfortable elitist positions and life-styles depend on YOUR IGNORANCE.

• The Leadership of the “Democrat” Party has been usurped & stolen by radical Marxists, Progressives, and outright Communists – International Socialist Totalitarians. If you give your money to any “Democrat” party, organization, or candidate at any level, that is what you are ultimately supporting.

• You cannot borrow yourself into prosperity. You might fool your neighbors and sycophants for awhile, but ultimately without real wealth production it is doomed to failure. A nation bankrupt also destroys its currency and enslaves its citizens to the creditors and profiteers.

• We must prepare for economic disruptions. I suggest Mutual Assistance Groups for food production. People interested in gardening, chickens, and other food production should organize for helping get started, marketing, and trading. Also for neighborhood protection and support of local police or other emergency services in case of emergencies.

– Life is hard. And it is a lot harder if you are stupid. – John Wayne

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