Riley Announces Candidacy

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Dec 13 - Comments Off on Riley Announces Candidacy

Susan Riley

Susan Riley has announced her candidacy for election as Calhoun County Clerk in the 2014 March Democratic Primary.

Riley has been the Administrative Assistant to the County Judge and Court Assistant for the Commissioner’s Court for seventeen years and worked four years in the Tax Assessor’s office. She is familiar with budget procedures, purchase orders, travel expenses, agenda preparation and is in constant public contact and public service. She has worked with all of the departments and offices of the county and with other governmental agencies.

Susan graduated from Calhoun High School in 1975, raised two children in Calhoun County and has been married to her husband Mike for thirty-eight years.

She received her Professional Secretary Certificate from the University of Houston/Victoria Campus, Professional Development Certificate from FEMA, Emergency Management Institute, annual certificates from the Texas Judicial Academy for Court Assistant’s Training Conference and has taken legal secretary classes at Victoria College while working as a paralegal for Attorney Ty Zeller.

“I promise customer service will once again be important, and that the office is there to serve the public,” Riley commented. “I have a strong work ethic, and will see to it that the office will once again be a friendly place to the public.”

The Clerk’s office needs a strong leader, and that’s what Riley will bring to the office. Support Susan at
Pd. Political Ad., F.M. Riley, Treasurer


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