The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Dec 13 - Comments Off on The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.


Saving Health Care

The ObamaCare Train-Wreck continues despite tweaks, fixes, an endless throwing money at it, and constant 24/7 propaganda, lame excuses, and outright lies. The Roll-Out ‘Crash’ was rapidly followed by the ‘Burn’ of millions of policy cancellations in spite of 3 years of ObamaPromises.  The initial accusations of incompetence and ineptitude were soon dis-proven, because ‘government sources’ had warned Obama back in 2010 that an estimated 93 million policies would be cancelled. It was no ‘unintended consequence’, but a willful and intentional lie. Only individual policies are being cancelled now, because Emperor Obama unilaterally (& unlawfully) put off the requirements for employer group-policies for another year. ‘Dear Leader’s’ current solution is to offer trillions of dollars of bribes to insurance companies not to cancel until after the 2014 elections.  The same reason Obama put off enforcement of the law on businesses – they knew it was going to cancel most people’s policies and prices would sky-rocket for most states. The current cost of the “Roll-Out” is $5.2 billion or $14,000 per enrollee, of which very few have actually activated a policy by making a payment.  And all the while the Liberal media says the Republicans do not offer any better idea.

Another Democrat Lib/Progressive lie. TeamObama refused to listen to the many Republican suggestions, but the more active New Republicans have pushed forward H.R. 3121, The American Health Care Reform Act of 2013.

This bill is only 1/10 as long as “ObamaCare”, simply by eliminating the most onerous and impractical provisions, and repeals it in it’s entirety.  This might actually help poor people get insurance by allowing companies to operate across state lines, and reduce medical costs by common sense Tort Reform to reduce malpractice insurance fraud and the costs.  But Sandra Fluke may have to buy her own BC pills.

Other major provisions are Tax Deductions for insurance, even if you don’t itemize other deductions; provisions to guarantee insurance for patients with pre-conditions, high risk groups, and to cap their premiums. And a prohibition on Federal funds being allowed for covering abortions unless for rape, incest, or to save the mother.

This is very important and complex piece of legislation and deserves serious scrutiny.  We don’t need another “ObamaCare”- cobbled together in secret, never explained, passed by threats and bribes by one radicalized party with the hysterical battle-cry of, “We must pass the bill to see what is in it!”

Yup!  Now we’ve seen it, it is an unmitigated disaster.  Filled with “unintended consequences”, and we have only seen the part of this ‘iceberg’ that has come to the surface thus far.  I tremble to contemplate what comes up next with the “real” implementation of ObamaCare!?!

We must not ruin the best health care system in the world for those that will not, or can not, make any effort to get insurance, so there needs to be a bottom-line “Government Provided”, primary medical service at the county level.  Free for the indigent, low cost for those that can pay, free of malpractice insurance, by low pay and often volunteer people that are interested in learning medicine. Hopefully overseen by  ‘real’ MDs, but not necessarily.  If the Army can train a Combat Medic in 4 months that can provide life-saving care to our soldiers in the worst of conditions, we can train some of our veterans (and others) to do triage and primary care clinics for the indigent.  Beggars can’t be choosers. An excellent opportunity for a mix of class-room medical training and on-the-job training, at small government cost considering the pay-off. Billions are wasted for Emergency Room Medicaid visits for very minor stuff every year. People could get education credits toward Registered Nurse and P.A. degrees as well as the medical receptionists, med techs, and basic nursing degrees. The Medical Professionals, Political Poverty Pimps, and bureaucrats will hate it, and the Trial Lawyers will go berserk, but it is affordable, will take some strain off of other Government programs, be a convenience for many working people, and older or senior people who don’t like to go to the doctors for seemingly simple problems.

We must do something to stop the collapse of our Constitutional Republic.  I suggest everyone read Mark Levin’s The Liberty Amendments for a start.  Progressive socialism is killing our economy, our currency, and our freedom. The 2014 election may be our last chance to save the USA and Texas as we know it.

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