What’s Happening at First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Dec 13 - Comments Off on What’s Happening at First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

Christmas season is always a very busy time at the church, as well as in the home. There is shopping for gifts, baking for company and parties, sending out Christmas cards and the usual duties around the home and the church. I really wonder if we stop and realize what Christmas is? Do we really act and push ourselves to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? After all, it is His birthday. The appropriate thing to do is, on Jesus’ birthday, at least have a family prayer around the tree and thank Jesus for His birthday and to bless you and your family this coming year.

The church enjoyed a very fun time last Sunday evening at the annual Church Christmas Party. The church enjoyed a beautifully decorated fellowship hall. And a “feast fit for a king”!! All of the food was prepared and donated by Grady Jean Clark as the Clark’s gift to the church. Grady Jean, in turn, dedicated the entire affair to the Church Hospitality Committee, which she chairs. There was delicious foods and many cakes, pies and candies. Everyone was filled with food and then the party began.

Everyone brought a gift wrapped in a grand Christmas style and Debbie Michalek had all who brought a gift to draw a number. When your number was called, you choose any gift around the Christmas table. You had to open the gift and show it to everyone. (Because when your number is called, you may choose to take their gift instead of picking an unwraped gift.) If you get a great gift, the odds are, someone will take it from you. A lot of laughs and a lot of strange gift exchanges, all in fun!

The Church Choir Christmas Music Presentation was this past Sunday morning, December 15. The Choir presented “The Story of Christmas” under the direction of Raymond Grant. The choir sang a total of twelve Christmas hymns, which were enjoyed by all.

The Church will be observing the Ordinance of “The Lord’s Supper” on Sunday morning, December 29, in the 11:00 am service.

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas this year and a healthy and Happy New Year!!

See you in church Sunday !!

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