We need to appeal the recent rate change with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Without any cost to us, we can submit a signed petition of at least 10 percent of the ratepayers for TCEQ to hear our appeal.
We would need approximately 170 signatures for a petition to be presented to TCEQ. TCEQ would inform us if our rates are too high or too low. Also, appealing this rate and future rate increases would send a message to the District that we have a voice.
I am sure you received the letter of explanation for the rate increase and minimum usage charge from the (Port O’Connor Improvement) District. Did that letter offend you? The letter made many feel that if we don’t vote “Yes” this May, the District will continue with rate increases, and if you were at the January 9th meeting, it sounds positive that the rates will be increased again.
Please email me or call me if you would like to sign a petition to appeal the rate change. Also, we would need a few individuals to participate with the committee to help steer this petition; please let me know if you are interested.
We only have 90 days from the first of January to present our appeal to TCEQ. Future information will be provided in the Dolphin Talk.
Leon Brown, lsbkaw@tisd.net, 361.983.2060