The Seadrift Lions will host their first ever Crock Pot Cook-off on Saturday, February 22 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Seadrift School Cafeteria. If you love to use your slow-cooker, this is an event you will not want to miss!
There will be five categories: 1) Soups, 2) Chili, 3) Casseroles, 4) Meats, and 5) Desserts. Entry fee is $10 per category, and you may enter as many categories as you like. Judging will be done by public vote, 1 vote per person per category. For only $5.00 per person, everyone is invited to come in and sample any and all of the dishes entered. Bread, crackers, and cornbread will be furnished by the Lions. There will be one winner for each category.
Money raised from this event will benefit Lions Club Community Charities. Complete rules and entry form are available from the Lions by email at or by calling Peggy Gaines at (361) 920-1743. Entry forms must be received with full payment by Wednesday, February 19.
Dig out your slow cooker and your favorite recipes and get cooking!