Port O’Connor Chamber Begins New Year

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Jan 14 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Begins New Year

POC Chamber of Commerce Directors Back row, left to right: Vice President Donnie Klesel; Secretary Beverly Clifton; Carolyn Garrison; Treasurer Donna Pyle; President Mary Jo Walker; Ann Brownlee; Donny Haynes; Donna Vuichard. Front row: Sylvia Rodriguez; Agnes Valigura; Darla Parker.

Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

The Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce is looking forward to a prosperous year ahead in 2014. At the December 9th meeting, election for the 2014 directors was held. Directors for the upcoming year are as follows: Mary Jo Walker, Ann Brownlee, Sylvia Rodriguez, Donna Pyle, Beverly Clifton, Darla Parker, Donnie Klesel, Donny Haynes, Donna Vuichard, Carolyn Garrison along with our Lifetime Director, Agnes Valigura. At the January 14 meeting, officers for 2014 were elected.

Committee Chairpersons for the new year are: Membership- LaJune Pitonyak and Ann Brownlee; Scholarship- Beverly Clifton; Boat Parade- Bill Tigrett; Fireworks Show- Donny Haynes; Fireworks donation letters and flyers- Bill Tigrett; Fireworks donation collection boxes- Sylvia Rodriguez; Promotions/Advertising- Carolyn Garrison; Beach Committee- Joe Wiatt; Web site- Alan Raby and LaJune Pitonyak; Crawfish Festival- Donna Pyle and Mary Jo Walker; Memorial Day Kids Tourney- Mary Jo Walker; Christmas House Lighting Contest- Beverly Clifton; Memorial Day Kite Flying Contest- Shirley and James Harper; Christmas Party- Joannie Morgan; Office Manager- LaJune Pitonyak.

Several of the special event dates for the year have been set. They are:

2nd Crawfish Fest May 3

Memorial Day Kids Tourney May 24

Kite Flying Contest May 24

Fireworks Show July 5

Boat Parade December 6

To continue to succeed in the new year, the Chamber needs all the members, along with volunteers of the community, to make things come together. This is what makes Port O’Connor such a unique place to live and come together with friends. The next meeting will be February 10 at 6:30 pm in the Port O’Connor Community Center Meeting Room.

Thanks to New Members & Renewals:

Paul McGee–Costa Bonita Properties, LLC

Joe & Vera Wiatt

Tigrett Real Estate

Cathy’s Restaurant

Leon Brown

Kinsey Junek

Connie Barrientes

Pat & Jan Maly

Larry & Sherilyn Carroll

Jerry & Virginia Lichac

Lisa A Moad–Ulogos

Vasquez Construction

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