A Lot Of Help – The H-100 of Port O’Connor Texas By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Feb 14 - Comments Off on A Lot Of Help – The H-100 of Port O’Connor Texas By Sue Kubecka

How can you help a number of worthy causes without being wealthy? To possibly provide aid for medical expenses to someone without adequate insurance; to help a victim of a fire or weather damage; to help our local volunteer firefighters and members of law enforcement? The answer is to join the H-100, a new organization composed of anonymous residents and nonresidents who have each contributed $100 for the coming year. Jim Hooper, “Hoop”, of Hurricane Junction has started this “club” of unknown and unpublicized members that can provide aid in various manners to POC residents.

The H-100 is modeled after a similar anonymous group in Houston of many people and businesses who support many worthwhile causes, primarily law enforcement and firefighters and their families. Here in Port O’Connor this means that a graduating high school student could receive help for college tuition; an ailing non-working resident could receive needed medical help; a Girl Scout troop could receive a donation to help members attend summer camp; there are so many ways that this amount could be spread around, each helping another.

But that is the aim of the H-100; to spread the money around in varying amounts, as determined by need. As this is not a tax deductible charity, the organization does not fall under the aegis of our Federal Government that could decide whom or what receives the aid. The cost is a mere $100 per year for a couple or person or for any business that wishes to become a part of this charitable organization. January of each year will be the renewal for existing members or for a new interested person to become a part of the H-100; Hoop is providing stickers for a member’s car or boat that will change each year; and hanging a plaque in Hurricane Junction with the names of each individual donor.

Port O’Connor is an unusual and somewhat unique community in that victims of need are given help, mainly not just once, but several times. They are not forgotten, but additional, responsible help is needed. With the advent of the H-100, this need can be remedied.

For further information or how to become a member of the H-100, talk with Hoop at Hurricane Junction. He will be pleased and happy to impart more knowledge of this very worthwhile organization.

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