Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Feb 14 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Officially, we have been in Port O’Connor nineteen years! We came the second Sunday of February, 1995, at the invitation of six people who wanted to start a church in this community. What changes we have seen in this community and at the Chapel. We began in a 35’ by 35’ Morgan building on Adams Street. Before 1995 came to a close, we had purchased the present building on Main, which had been the Intercoastal Lumber Company, from Joe Bright. The only person still around that was present those first days is Joyce Rhyne. This building has had a build-up metal roof installed and a youth room with two bathrooms added. The many out-buildings that served as “lumber racks” have been destroyed and Papaw’s wood-working shop, a storage room, a fish cleaning station and the parsonage have replaced them. The former “dry storage building” has been almost completely refurbished. It now houses two efficiency apartments and a “Retreat Center” that is 99% completed! When finished, the Retreat Center will allow 24 people to come to Port O’Connor for a time of relaxation, and it will add additional space for our Bible Classes to expand. In the words of an old song: “Just look what the Lord has done!”

But, our major achievement is not meant to be measured in buildings restored or replaced or re-purposed. Our goal was not to come “build a church BUILDING,” BUT TO “build a Church!” The Chapel is here because there are many people who attend and find their Christian community here. We are a congregation that is multi-cultured and multi-ethnic, but who is bonded together under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our goal is simple – to be a congregation of loving individuals who will work together to build the Lord’s Kingdom here in Port O’Connor. We could not accomplish what we have without the support of this community. We would not be what we are if people from Seadrift, Port Lavaca, and the surrounding communities did not come. We would not be what we are if people from Seadrift, Port Lavaca, and the surrounding communities did not come. We would be missing a lot if it were not for our “winter” sojourners – not just numbers, but friendships and fellowship..

Our activities over the years have increased as we have sought new ways to impact people’s lives. Our Sunday Bible Study is continuing to expand as we grow. Our Morning Service features more special music, and we trust the preaching has improved. The Sunday Evening Service is a testimony of God’s grace that we love to share with others. The Tuesday evening Fisherman’s Bible Institute (FBI) has given well over 100 people a solid introduction to the whole Bible. The Wednesday midweek service is the refueling station to help us continue the “good fight of faith”. Friday Nigh Youth is providing the youth of our community a wholesome atmosphere and a safe place for them to come and enjoy being with their friends. Our special ladies’ meetings and men’s fellowships provide a basis for us to mature as adults and find friendships that help mold us into better people.

We are not resting on our past accomplishments, but are always learning and seeking better ways to serve this community. We provide opportunities for not only English speaking, but also Spanish speaking congregants.

Our annual Meeting of the Members will be on Sunday evening, February 23. At that meeting, we will be sharing our financial report with all interested. We will be electing our Board of Directors and looking at new opportunities for growth. Everyone is welcomed.

The Chapel has always been and remains an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to see Jesus Christ exalted in our individual lives. We seek to be a friendly place where everyone can come and praise the Lord in their own unique way. We believe the Bible to be the pattern for our daily living and contain the answers to life’s problems. You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel, and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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