The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Feb 14 - Comments Off on The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it,
and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Amnesty: National Sovereignty or National Suicide

The proposed Amnesty for illegals is intentional destruction of our country, culture, economy, and even civilization by the Socialist Democrats; there is no attempt at securing the border. And now the RINOs, cheap labor profiteers and their lobbyists, and assorted other STUPID PARTY political pundits that listen to the media and fantasize about “Illegal Aliens With Family Values Will Vote Republican??” all want to join the Dems in the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Suicide Pact!?!

Look what happened last time!! The Democrats promised “border security” for Amnesty for 3-4 million in ‘86, but turned into an influx of 20-30 million over the next 25 years, and another 11 or 12 million illegals that the government and media will admit to (but are really 20-25 million), still no border security, no follow-up on expired visas, and a constantly increasing threat from terrorists, smugglers, Islamists, socialists, Reconquista guerrillas, welfare parasites, and other criminals coming in with “the poor hard-working people just wanting a better life”. And now they object to “Illegal Alien”, then how about – “Criminal Invader”? Their children, even when born here, do not deserve automatic citizenship because they are not born here “under US jurisdiction” as required by the 14th Amendment, but in defiance of it! Now, wealthy people from many third-world countries fly their women here on tourist visas to give birth and get automatic American citizenship for the child. Allowing this is plain stupid! The 14th Amendment was meant for legal permanent residents, not “tourists” or criminal invaders.

Because of our proximity to Mexico, our problems may seem mostly from Mexican illegals, but they are only a part of it. The real problem is with the non-existent border, anyone with a tourist visa to Mexico (or Canada) can get in. More and more suspected Jihadist terrorists are caught, often given a court date and released, while hundreds more are not caught. Mexicans call us “racist” for defending our border, but check out Mexican law on immigration – no rights, prison and deportation for any visa violation or other crime, any political protest is a crime, and it is enforced (or you pay ‘mordita’, bribes). You can buy resident visas, work permits are expensive and difficult to get, but full citizenship and voting rights are almost impossible, even if you live there for years and have invested millions. So “Shut Up!” you Libtard whiny-babies about the USA being “racist” for not welcoming Criminal Invaders!

We are facing an economic catastrophe. An explosion of the Welfare State, massive unemployment, a shrinking tax base, and the buffoons in Washington want to make these criminal invaders “legal”? The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA) of 2006 that would have granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens (but much fewer than exist today) was estimated to add 103 million LEGAL immigrants over the next 20 years due to “chain immigration”. This is due to legal immigrants being able to ‘sponsor’ family members and they get priority treatment. This no longer requires a ‘Bond’ to ensure that they do not go on welfare. Also there will be a huge surge in illegal immigration after passage, before and during implementation. From 1/3 to 1/2 would qualify for welfare or food stamps, today probably even more. Not just Mexicans, but millions of Africans and Middle Easterners in the north, most with minimal education and skills. This new Obamunist Amnesty has provisions (Sections 2318 – 2322 of the amnesty bill, S. 744) to “fast-track” untold millions of Muslims for visas and citizenship. This is a huge bill written in Government Gobblygook; no one know what it all means. All this and no border security. We know what Liberal Democrat promises are worth about border security. Most of the new immigrants have little or no understanding of a Constitutional Republic and will support socialist politicians for welfare and other “free stuff”. This is a historical fact; it takes about a generation and good education for most poor people to even want to be independent and free. The Socialist Democrats know this, that is why they demand citizenship and voting rights for illegals, because they are easy to fool. Their proposals could easily add over 150 million new residents with about 1/3 of them Muslims in the next 20 years.

Any amnesty and immigration must be based on assimilation. Those illegals who do not, or will not, assimilate and obey our laws must be deported. Those who intentionally break our laws, try to change our culture and laws, and refuse to assimilate must be deported, or we are simply surrendering. With this proposed mass “Amnesty”, Hispanic-Americans, especially those who have assimilated economically, will be the first big losers, also all poor and working class Americans, and probably Blacks will be hardest hit.

The Lib/Progs have intentionally upset immigration law since 1965. S.744 is another Obamunist horror show, the “ObamaCare” of Immigration Bills. Stop this huge and overly complex bill. Separate it into several steps that make sense. Any successful “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” must start with secure borders with aggressive but fair enforcement aimed at facilitating assimilation of existing immigrants into Americans, not political maneuvering to facilitate an Agenda, or allow exploitation of cheap labor and encourage welfare dependency. Extreme care must be taken not to flood the economy with low end labor in a recessive economy and immigration must not be encouraged with welfare programs or easy access to citizenship. Criminals and terrorist threats must be immediately deported. Issue temporary and conditional work permits to working illegals. Deport the welfare cheats and parasites. Redefine in Federal Law “Citizenship” based on the Constitution, the Amendments, and existing Federal Law. Welfare programs should only be for citizens, not immigrants, and certainly not for illegals. Enforce the Federal laws as written, and deport the violators. Then we can talk about Green Cards, and with 5 years of law abiding employment, taxes paid, reasonable English and understanding of Constitutional law, possibly then we can start on citizenship. It is truly a question of “Sovereignty or Suicide” for us as a successful economy, a culture of freedom, and a Nation. And the hard fact must be addressed that immigration must be curtailed or stopped until the economy improves and Americans and current immigrants have full employment.

The first step for “immigration reform” should be building the Keystone XL pipeline and putting people back to work for energy independence. Not “amnesty” or dictating a higher minimum wage; these only lead to more unemployment and inflation. We need more real jobs, and economic growth, so we could afford legalizing the immigrants already here.

Update 2/7/14: It is widely reported that House Speaker Boehner will block a House vote on the Senate bill, at least for now. DO NOT BE FOOLED! This is not going away, and if the House doesn’t strongly demand Border Security and enforcement of existing law, the situation will continue to get worse. Obama and Holder are not enforcing the laws and are refusing intentionally because they want the problems to get worse. This is in direct violation of their Oaths of Office, and an Impeachable offense, but they think they can avoid conviction in a very politicized Democrat-controlled Senate. Must have votes of 2/3 of sitting members to convict.

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