Part XII: The Elections Are Coming! Run For Your Lives! What follows is a non-partisan analysis. The two major American political parties will be referred to as “one party” and “the other party”. The candidates, or likely candidates, will be referred to as “this candidate”, “that candidate”, and “yet another candidate”. As we all know, […]
Home > February, 2014
THE RETURN OF EL HYENA (Vanguard of the Revolution)
Republican Club Meets March 3
The Calhoun Republican Club will meet on Monday, March 3, 2014, at the Grace Episcopal Church Community Room, Corner of Austin St (Hwy238) and Guadalupe. Chris Cobler, Editor, Victoria Advocate is the featured speaker. Dinner ($5) is served from 5pm-5:45pm by reservation. Please call 552-0917 for reservations. Meeting is 6pm – 7:30pm. Public is invited.
What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue
Occasionally you are blessed with being able to review once again a film that made a heavy impression upon you. And so it was with the film LILLIES OF THE FIELD starring Sidney Poitier and Lilia Skala. A film that renews individual faith, hope and lots of charity; one that restores strength and lots of […]
Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough
Officially, we have been in Port O’Connor nineteen years! We came the second Sunday of February, 1995, at the invitation of six people who wanted to start a church in this community. What changes we have seen in this community and at the Chapel. We began in a 35’ by 35’ Morgan building on Adams […]
Democrats Host Political Forum
The Calhoun County Democrats Club will meet on Thursday, February 27, at the G.I. Forum, 2738 West Main (HWY 87), next to REXCO, Port Lavaca, with a social at 5:30 pm, followed by a meeting at 6 pm. The meeting will be a political forum for all candidates in the March 4 Democratic Party Primary. […]