Today I walked two roads at once

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Mar 14 - Comments Off on Today I walked two roads at once

Today I walked two roads at once
(for Seadrift and Port O’Connor)
By Bob Lindsey

Today I walked two roads at once;
This was the path I took, going to the beach,
To school, to church, to scout meetings, to fish,
On hot summer days and on cold mornings
With a north wind blowing,
With curled toes and gentle
No match for those alabaster shards
That found their mark as I danced along those hard,
oyster shell
Still, I walked those roads gladly,
Listening to the music of the
Those memories, balanced on one leg.

I walk these same roads,
asphalt covered,
With ditches too wide to reach the dewberries
That are no longer there,
Like the horned frog…a horny-toad to us…
With weed killer, some say,
By a tumult of trailers lining the way
Their boats, having abandoned them for the bay

I give my feet
Over to Nike running shoes, trying to stay fit enough
To enjoy the
memories of
A small town and those
roads with no names…

February 2014



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