What’s Happening at First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Mar 14 - Comments Off on What’s Happening at First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

Several of our church members with the Port O’Connor Lions Club, joined with many others for a fantastic Arts and Crafts Show this past weekend at the Community Center. This was a great show and attracted many people. The Lions Club is to be congratulated on this fine event.

Eight of our church members attended the Spring Retreat for Senior Adults at Camp Zephyr last week. This beautiful camp is located on the banks of Lake Corpus Christi, near Mathis, Texas. This four day retreat offers the finest in Bible Study by Dr. Jimmy Arnold, whose subject this year was “the Rapture of the Church”, “the Seven Years of Tribulation”, “the Millennial Reign of Christ” and “Eternity”. Wow! Dr. Arnold kept you on the edge of your seat! Special music was supplied by Marcos and Sue Gohlke. Our pastor, Donnie Martin and Shirley Martin sang a beautiful song. George Yarbrough inspired everyone with his devotions. Preaching was done by the pastor of The Cowboy Church. Everyone enjoyed the newly refinished motel rooms, and the food at each of the three daily meals was fabulous. The Fall Senior Retreat will be September 22-25 and everyone is invited to make reservations. The cost is $100 per person for all meals and lodging.

The New “Team Kids” and the Church Youth meet each Wednesday evening from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. The “Team Kids” are made up of children in the first to fifth grades and they are enjoying “Jumping the Hurdles” program. The Youth, grades 6 through 12, meet separately. Renee Hawes and Candice Stryker are in charge of this outstanding program.

The Church is having a “Fund Drive” to purchase a Church Van to replace our 1998 Dodge van. Our van is doing it’s job, but is in need of a replacement. Contributions are welcomed!

See you in Church Sunday!

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